mass effect
In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd write a post about Bioware (the number one life ruiner in the universe - that's a compliment, btw). One of the best.
I know I'm not the only one who felt like I got cheated when Thane was Thane-kebab-ed in Mass Effect 3 ... Well, a bunch of talented modders got together.
Hope you're all playing some ME3 multiplayer in celebration of N7 day :) Bioware made this tear-jerking video for us fans (I could literally listen to the voice actors all.
Well guys, I know some of you are loathe to spend $60 on a sweatshirt, but you still think the new Tali and Garrus hoodies in the Bioware store are.
Ha, gotcha with the title, didn't I? I know, I'm an asshole. But trust me, you want to see these if you haven't already. Most of these characters were created.
A couple people have asked me to share how I create biotic effects in Photoshop so here's a basic tutorial. Keep in mind that you will probably play around with.