Mass Effect: Garrus and Tali Hoodies … For You AND Your Commander Shepard!

Well guys, I know some of you are loathe to spend $60 on a sweatshirt, but you still think the new Tali and Garrus hoodies in the Bioware store are badass … well, here are a couple simple texmods for you to use on Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 3 so that Shep can rock the style you’re too cheap to :) To be honest, after I made these mods and played them for a couple hours, it made me pull the trigger on buying an actual hoodie for myself!
Here are the original hoodies – buy Garrus and Tali at the Bioware Store for $58!
And here some screenshots of my mods (download link) – sorry, for Femshep only unless I get requests to do Broshep :)
What do you guys think? Did you buy the real thing at the Bioware Store? Let me know in comments!
These are lovely! I wish I could buy a real Tali hoodie but yeah … no money.
Which one did you buy?
Garrus – I’m sure a men’s small will still be enormous on me but oh well. :)
Gee, did you do the textures yourself? :D How? :D Plainly awesome! XD
OMG LET ME LOVE YOU! I’ve just found you and I’m so glad I did! DAT Garrus hoodie <3 <3 <3 just wish they would be designed for us ladies too, if they did Bioware would have to shut up and take my money alas tali it is *sigh* at least my Shep can wear it, I'm sure Garr-bear won't think Eli's stalker-ish in anyway with it haha! You are awesomesauce!
I’m totally surprised that Bioware didn’t see the opportunity for Garrus hoodies for the ladies. I would think a lot of the Garrus fanbase is female! I ordered a small men’s Garrus hoodie but I’ll probably only wear it at home because it’s going to be humongous on me. :)