Most Ridiculously Good Looking Shepards of All Time

I’m always amazed at how good-looking some Shepards turn out to be. Here is a gallery of my all-time favorites – scroll past all the pretty pictures for information on how you can get your Shepard to look as good as these!
Aerie Shepard and Revan Shepard: Both of these are mine, you can download their headmorphs but you’ll also need this custom skin texture for them to look the same as in my pics!
Allison Shepard belongs to the wonderful Nameislooney and she is a major babe! She’s also super generous and released all the mods and headmorphs required for you to recreate Allison – get it here!
Jane Shepard: Seriously, could Ele’s default Femshep replacement be any more perfect? Heavy breathing … you can download the mod on Nexus.
Ianto Shepard: We all know how rare it is to find a hot MShep but JupiterJames’ Shepard is impeccable!
Sadie Shepard: There is just something so adorable about MrsAlenko’s Grumpy Cat Shepard :)
Noelani Shepard: This lovely Shep belongs to the equally lovely Kriosgat!
Shepard: Not sure what name Kanihime’s perfect Shepard goes by, but she’s gorgeous!
Antony Lynn Shepard: Oh sweet Jesus look at I_OnMe’s delicious Shepard!
DJepic112 Shepard: Found this here under the non-ironic “I have the hottest Shepard in the world” forum post. Pretty sure he actually does.
Think you have a babelicious Shepard? Post a link to a pic in comments and I’ll add you to this page!
They are nice Shepard around here !!! By the way here is the link for mine ;)
OH MY that’s a damn fine Shepard! Does he have a name so I can add him to this list?
Yeah of course it’s “Antony Lynn Shepard” !
Awesome! It’s amazing how brilliantly good-looking Shepards are these days. I guess all the mods help. :P I kind of selfishly want to leave my Shepard as well (her name is Grace):
She looks amazing. Whats your code, if you dont mind me asking.
@FearfulSymmetry would love the get the code or morph for this one looks amazing.
FearfulSymmetry, she looks mysterious, sexy and intelligent. Here is mine, her name is Veronica: her face code is 743.Q9G.M11.F9A.6FG.26W.1HC.81B.TF6.E18.AG5.413 and looks good with just about any hair found on this site. Here’s another pic with different hair:
Nice! I like how many of my mods I see :) Hehehehe – I’ll add you when I have a chance!
All of them look so cool! Here’s mine, Anastasia:
Hi this is going to sound very noobie but i figured out the hair and skin texture how do I put in the head morph? By the way beautifully done
for get I asked figured out with another tutorial thanks didnt mean to bother you :)
I had a question about where I can download the textures for Revan Shepard? I got the headmorph but the face in game still looks different.
Here is my favorite Alanna Shepard
Thanks for sharing! I’m way overdue for an update to this page but I will add this one fo’ sho’ :)
Allison Shepard by Nameislooney has been released!
You can find the headmorph etc here >
Here’s mine. If there’s an error, do inform me.
I could use help modding the Cerberus Spirit Armor, it has a helmet, and I don’t like that at all.
Here’s mine. Peyton Shepard.
Dear folks,
I use all these morphs with pleasure, however, each single one of them has the “old skin freckled” hands which ruins an otherwise excelent experience. Any ideas what went wrong?
The default textures for hands are kind of gross in ME. My recommendation is to find a texture replacement.
This is my F!Shepard.
This is my femshep, Hyuna. Kudos to gpg for getting me serious about doing it right.
How to install this?
This is not mine at all, but I felt I NEEDED to share this one. It’s eXc’s FemShep from the BioWare forums, and they’ve done an amazing job. The look is amazing, and the outfit is even more incredible. No face code, unfortunately, but I wanted to make sure this one didn’t go unnoticed. =P
How can i create the Shepard like them?
I realy love Allison Shepard so somebody can tell me how to make her?
Ps:sr for my horrible English.
I just wanted to share this with you =] I love your mods and im glad I am able to FINALLY use them! *Found out HOW to mod and stuff*
Hope you like it!
Her name is Celestine Shepard =]
*”Celestine” is a celestial name and it means “Heavenly” in French.* ;] wanted to share that fact!
Thanks for sharing! She really is a beauty! :) Next time I update this page, I’ll be sure to include!
Thats a better one =]
Glad you liked it.
You are seriously fabulous! Most people think you can’t be a girl gamer AND fashion conscious, witch I am both. You FemShep Mods are b-e-a-t girl. Opulent with a capital O! I wish I would have found your site sooner, I would have bought ME3 for PC instead of the Wii U. I will have to buy this game for PC just so I can get your fantastic mods!
OMG thank you so much! I’m sorry it took me so long to repond – sadly, I no longer have the time to really help people as much as I’d like with modding :( I’m glad you enjoyed my site though and I hope to be modding more in the future! :)
You should check out smokin’ Katherine Sheppard posted on Nexus by Anreen. I left you the link to it in the website field. Thanks for doing this blog and all its mods, GPG! -Fadi
PS – what’s the deal with googledrive lately? it’s not letting me download anything from you.
Hi Fadi – I think it’s because so much traffic has been going to my site lately and downloading my mods. If you let me know which mods you want, I may just dump them all onto the Nexus :)
I wish I could use the clothing mods but most of them don’t have tpf files. Is there a way to create tpf files using your mods?
The tutorial doesn’t cover how to take your mod files with extensions that are not tpf and how to make them tpf for those of us not interested in permanent modding.
Here’s a link to a recently created photobucket album which has a few pics of my latest femshep. If you deem her worthy, take your pick :)
Sup’. I’ve been using your mods and stuff for a while, and as a way to say thanks (I guess?), decided to share the results of my hard work.
There you go!
What about her?^_^
I want to make my Shepard look like Revan Shepard and I downloaded both the head morph and the custom skin but I don’t know how to go about applying them to my game. Can anyone help me figure this out? That’s my Shepard. Her name is Aisling c;
How do you add the face textures and Head meshes? I’ve looked at all of the tutorials but they all use files different from the ones downloaded from here