Mass Effect Mods: Updated Miranda’s Outfit for Shepard

Hey guys, just re-uploaded the Miranda N7 outfit mod with a chest hole and fingers fix (ie. the skin will now change with your Shepard’s skin color). Also uploaded a couple custom re-colors:
- Black N7
- White N7
- Custom Black – black and gold plating
- Custom White – white and gold plating
- Custom Red – black and red leather
For more mods, see my modding page. For instructions on how to use these mods, go to my tutorial on ME modding!
Looks Great
Awesome. Gotta mod my Shep some time :P
It looks very good, but for some reason i cannot get it to work properly, the textures looks weird in the game, the skin on the chest gets the same color as the color of the catsuit, any tips?
Other than that you have done amazing work with this
That will happen if you’re replacing an armor rather than a casual outfit … there really isn’t any fix I’ve found with the armor spec problem :( Maybe I should just draw a T-shirt underneath for armor?
Damn. Would’ve been awesome to make my Infil a Black Widow-less Black Widow :P
I don’t see why not giving it a try, its a waste of an awesome outfit if one cannot use it in the action scenes as well, especially since Miranda is not part of the gang no more and you get to see her just a few times. Maybe an all white or all black outfit might work with a tshirt idea. :)
Yeah, I agree – maybe someone will figure out how to fix it for armors :(
this outfit looks very good. but why my sniper rifle don’t stick to the outfit, the sniper rifle just float in the air? Do you know how to fix this? i am using this outfit as armor replacing N7 Defender (FBDa).
Guns are set to mount to a certain space relative to the body – because the Miranda outfit is less bulky than the Defender armor, the gun will probably appear to float. The solution is to replace a less bulky armor (like the Cerberus armor?) …
I tried replacing the mesh using your method (Defender armor replacement) but it doesn’t change the armor mesh and the texture is the .diff picture. It just doesn’t want to work, could you help?
Send me a screenshot of what your problem looks like –
It would have been cool if Bioware made this possible for consoles.
there’s no download link? :(
: ( : (
So sad no download link.
Oops, updated the link!
hey i don’t know if you still mod this game or not. but i was wondering, if u do, is it possible to have a outfit variant where u can wear miranda’s armor as its scene in the cutscenes? her normal armor that is.
Can you post a pic? Not sure which one you’re talking about :D
this outfit.