Inquisition Multiplayer

Well, by now you might have downloaded the Dragonslayer DLC that came out this morning for Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer. And you might have realized that the learning curve for.
I've been having a pretty shitty week so I am excited to learn that Bioware is releasing a free multiplayer DLC expansion next week! It comes out on Tuesday May.
Oh yay my first non-mage build tutorial! The Hunter is a fun class to play because there are so many different ways you can spec him out and still have.
To round out all the mage builds I've shared, here is my favorite Keeper build to use on Perilous! The Keeper is best for team play but with this build,.
If you want to go into beast mode in DA:I multiplayer, there's no better class to play than the Arcane Warrior. This guy is super tough, deals a ton of.
If any of you have been playing any amount of Inquisition multiplayer, you'll probably have encountered the game-breaking key drop glitch where all the enemies on the map are dead.