Well, that was quick. It seemed like Jaws of Hakkon *just* came out and now we have another DLC in our greedy little hands ... thanks, Bioware! For those of.
Well, by now you might have downloaded the Dragonslayer DLC that came out this morning for Dragon Age: Inquisition multiplayer. And you might have realized that the learning curve for.
Whoa, thanks for dropping this DLC by total surprise on us, Bioware! Due to a glitch in the Xbox One marketplace, you can actually download the Jaws of Hakkon DLC today.
Sometimes, the canon version of Mass Effect just doesn't satisfy. For those of you who want some extended gameplay and revisionist history in your Mass Effect, these mods are perfect!.

Garrus Tux Mod Vakarian, Garrus Vakarian. Looking dapper there, Mr. Archangel! Requires ME3 Explorer and Texmod. Download here!
Super Pink Party Mod Have you ever just wanted a super fabulous fucking party? This texmod replaces everyone's outfits in the Citadel Party with something crazy and pink. Lots of.