Mass Effect
This weekend's (21-23 September) N7 Operation is pretty easy for the Squad Goal, though it requires some coordination with friends. Click here for full details. Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty.
Just to give everyone an update on my Ultra Rare status - at this point, I've spent over 9,000,000 credits on SP's an PSP's. My Ultra Rare drop rate for.
The Geth Infiltrator is indisputably the best killing machine in the game - just don't get shot. :) Here is the ideal build and why: BEST BUILD - 4/6/6/6/4 Q:.
In honor of the Turian race getting a huge buff this week, I'm going to break down the best build for the Turian Soldier. BEST BUILD: 6/0/6/6/6 Q: Which powers.
This week saw NO nerfs and quite a few buffs (so I can continue to murder with my Piranha for at least another week)! You can read the official update.
This week I'm going to be analyzing the Best Builds for popular characters, based purely on the in-game stats (facts, people!). On request, the first one will be the N7.