Mass Effect
Ok, so you pressed Quickplay and you're in a Lobby with people (Randoms) you've never played with before. How can you tell if they're going to suck or if they're.
Is there anything worse than starting a Random match and realizing that none of the n00bs playing with you know where to camp? Here is a list of the most.
The short answer is yes. That being said, I've only encountered two other girls besides myself through random matches and I have been playing for months. I always wonder why.
You can never have enough credits to spend on Spectre packs, so here's a list of the easiest and fastest ways to earn credits in online multiplayer with the least.

As a ME3 Multiplayer regular, I think the whole game experience would be better if everyone followed these 10 simple etiquette rules: 1. Don't bite off more than you can.
If you want a comprehensive guide to Power Combos, click here. This guide is intended for the practical user, based on the order of the Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer character.