Mass Effect 3: September 4 Multiplayer Balance Changes

This week saw NO nerfs and quite a few buffs (so I can continue to murder with my Piranha for at least another week)! You can read the official update [here].
Basically, there were a couple big wins this week – the Submission Net power on the Batarian Sentinel got a major buff at all levels, as did its health and shields.
The Vanguard class got its Biotic Charge base force increased, which means that the Vanguards can now stagger Phantoms reliably.
Lastly, the Turian characters got cooldown and fitness buffs.
I don’t really use any of these classes, so it doesn’t matter much to me, but it will be nice to see some Turian and Batarian characters in Random Matches – I rarely see anyone playing as as those classes!
What do you think of this week’s balance changes? Let me know in the comments!