
This weekend's (21-23 September) N7 Operation is pretty easy for the Squad Goal, though it requires some coordination with friends. Click here for full details. Squad Goal: Extraction on any difficulty.
Amazingly, another week of no nerfs! On the power side, Overload and Cryo Blast both got buffs. Cryo Blast got a significant buff in duration, cooldown, and recharge speed, as.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYjenu-f_3g?feature=player_detailpage&w=640&h=360] Even though I'm doubtful of the usefulness of having a single-player DLC this late after the release date, I will definitely still be shelling out the $10 to.
A lot of people ask me how I have almost every weapon unlocked to level 10, including Ultra Rares. Assuming you don't have much unlocked yet, here's the most efficient,.