Do Girls Really Play Mass Effect 3 Online Multiplayer?

The short answer is yes. That being said, I’ve only encountered two other girls besides myself through random matches and I have been playing for months. I always wonder why that is, considering the numbers.
If you think about it, only 18% of ME3 players play the Campaign mode as female Shepard. The game sold around 3.5 million worldwide, so that leaves about 630K female Shepards around the world. Assuming that a small percentage of men choose to play as FemShep, let’s say there are roughly half a million girls playing ME3 in Campaign Mode. With almost 60% of Xbox owners having Xbox Live accounts, let’s say that about 300k girls playing ME3 in Campaign Mode can also play Online Multiplayer. Even if you discount that number 90% for all the girls who don’t play online or who aren’t identifiable as girls by their gamertags or voices, you still are left with 30,000 girls who should be playing Mass Effect 3 Online Multiplayer. That’s only, oh, 10,000 times the number I’ve encountered!
So where are all the girls at???
Although the Mass Effect series is a very female-friendly series in my opinion, most girls who play will only play the Campaign mode. There’s not much of a story to the Multiplayer mode and I think that might turn some girls off. I mean, seriously, romancing a character is half the fun of the storyline!
I personally enjoy ME3 Multiplayer over Halo or Call of Duty because of the cooperative aspect of the online game. I think more girls would play if they knew how great the ME3 online community was. It’s not just a bunch of dumb jocks calling each other “fags” as they teabag each other’s dead bodies!
So, if you’re reading this and you want to play with a girl sometime just to switch it up, let me know – I’m always down for a match!
Do you know girls who play ME3 Online Multiplayer? Let me know in the comments or email me!
There’s also a lot of women who choose to remain anonymous because they will often get harassed or taunted online. It’s not just in gaming – women on reddit have noticed significantly different treatment from using male-sounding IDs vs female-sounding IDs.
I actually play almost exclusively with my friends (usually 3 out of 4 players are female with my friends), and when I DO a PUB group, I keep my microphone muted unless someone has something to say, or I am dead and I play lookout for one of the surviving members (camera is swung to their blind side so I can call out enemies).
So, it could be that girls don’t play with randoms or that they play ONLY with their friends. Making it hard to randomly come across one.
I havent met any girls online mass effect 3 ive found plenty of guys using female playermodels because “they like staring at her butt” its kind of ridiculous lol
I always played femshep because her voice was better and it made the game more interesting than playing standard grizzled blank-slate dude (there are plenty of butts to look at already in ME). Also if you choose jerky actions as a male character you feel like a jerk but doing it as a girl character you feel “damn, she’s sassy”.
Like others have said – a lot of girls stay anon on-line because guys troll them. I don’t think genders of players and avatars are ever that much of a match though (and a lot of guys on MMOs play female characters because it makes male players treat them better)
– a dude
These girls do!
I’ve owned ME3 for quite some time now, but never dared to do multiplayer because of previous bad experiences on MP-games. I only tried it for the first time last week and I’m blown away, it’s so much fun. I also only play randoms, because I don’t have any friends to play with. I must admit however that my gamertag is pretty neutral as far as gender, and I mostly play as a male character, unless the class itself is female. I just don’t want to get harassed again.
I try to collect female friends always for online games despite being a male myself and I am also playing a FemShep in campaign mode – the reason is pretty simple: I am staring a person’s ass for 100+ hours during a playthrough – let that be a girl’s if I can have a word about it! :) And I am not gay. XD In fact I was lame enough to fall in love (really XD) with my ME2 FemShep somewhere during the 7th playthrough… :P Honestly I just find female company a lot more fun and female players a lot more caring, observant, generous and faaaaaar less competitive than male players (same goes for the real life I think ;). Girls Rock! XD
I play PC/Origin ME:3 only and have at least 5 girls amongst my friends but you can add me anytime. XD My tag is the same like my name on the post.
I only play multiplayer on Xbox :( But I love that you admit the butt-staring point hahaha … If you’re ever on XBL, let me know!
Whoops, meant to post as a reply…
Your Femshep must really have been wonderful then ;)
Thanks for the offer, unfortunately I only play ME on PS3. :( I do have a PC/Origin account for Dragon Age, so I might add you anyway :)
I like that you admit to the but staring too… I usually choose a female character, because I like it when I can identify with the character (that’s why my Femshep has never been a renegade, it would be fun, but it’s out of character for me). However, when I have been forced to (or in those rare cases when I have chosen to) play as a male, I must admit that I do take comfort in knowing that I at least will have a nice strong back and butt to look at ;)
I cannot reply for your post Girl, for some reason… :P Posting a new one… XD
You know what is funny? I was working for Microsoft for 7 years and never got myself to buy an Xbox… :D Now I am not working for MS anymore and decided to buy an Xbox One when it hits the shelves so I hope we can play together in some next-gen kick-ass Bioware fantasy in the future… XD All the best, Girl! XD
Your Femshep must really have been wonderful then ;)
Thanks for the offer, unfortunately I only play ME on PS3. :( I do have a PC/Origin account for Dragon Age, so I might add you anyway :)
I like that you admit to the but staring too… I usually choose a female character, because I like it when I can identify with the character (that’s why my Femshep has never been a renegade, it would be fun, but it’s out of character for me). However, when I have been forced to (or in those rare cases when I have chosen to) play as a male, I must admit that I do take comfort in knowing that I at least will have a nice strong back and butt to look at ;)
XD I actually do not identify with my protagonist, I am watching her (sometimes mesmerized with awe :)) like I was watching a movie. Nevertheless she is also a dogodder and cannot get herself to commit renegade acts either… She tried and haven’t felt good for her… XD OK, she is sticking the screwdriver sometimes in the back of the Blue Sun Batarian mercenary because she likes that the chopper has less armor and since she is always like her ass handed to her on insanity she knows that every bit of advantage counts… XD But these are rare occasions and she feels deep regret after these ordinarily… :P Damn, I like this game! XD And I like Girl’s blog posts here, too! XD
Funny you should mention that particular Baterian, cause he almost always end up dead-by-renegade on my playthroughs too… along with the Krogan that talks to much. (I only sat through that whole speech once) ;) I have tried to be disconnected from my protagonists several times, but I never really manage. I might just have a overactive imagination as I usually add extra motivation and internal reasoning for not just my protagonists, but also for different NPC’s.
I only recently discovered this blog, and I’m not a big blog reader, but this one I do subscribe. So, Girl, you have a great blog and I always get exited when I see a new update! (even if I don’t usually comment – I’m a lurker by heart) :)
Thank you, wonderful person! I love me some lurkers :)
I do know two girls playing mass effect (on PS3) even now the game is “dead” in terms of support and new content. Those two hit like a truck and usually score more than me so… yeah, I would say its a game quite likeable for the “other” gender. Sadly they didnt choose the right platform.
I have quit playing ME:3 some months ago, but I still have good and funny memories of girls shooting and scoring much better than me even on my best days and they always tended to stay kind, involving and civilized while playing, very much unlike some male counterparts… :P
As I said before I liked to share a good ME:3 MP session with Girls anytime. Looking forward to have some fun in a new Bioware adventure if and when it is going to be available! XD
A big thumbs up for girls in ME:3 MP all around the Globe! :D
I hope Dragon Age Inquisition has an online multiplayer! If it does, we’ll totally play together! :)
You bet we will! XD The timezone difference might be an issue, though… :P Being in Norway I am cc. 9 hours away from Your All-Creative-Talentedness so I most probably will be heading home from work today when you will start sipping Your morning coffe all sleepyheaded… :P