Winter Hair

Winter Hair
OMG my absolute favorite hair mod that I’ve ported for this game! Looks great in all colors :) Ported from the TESIV Hair Pack for Skyrim.
**If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow, go here!**
Installation instructions for Femshep
If you use this mod, please consider donating to – I will always provide mods to everyone for free but I could really use some help maintaining the site servers. Thanks for your support!
I love the looks of your mods so much. But whenever I apply them, the hair color is always dark and monotone, nothing like what it looked like before the change. Is there a way to avoid this, or get my hair color back? Thanks!
Hi, are you applying the tpf? If so, you can use Gibbed to lighten the hair color and see if that helps
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I’m applying the .TPF. It gives me the hair style but it just nearly blacks out the colors. I usually end up Gibb’ing it but it can be difficult to find the right color again. Was just thinking maybe I was doing something wrong. It’s still worth the trouble, though. :)
Thanks for the great mods!
I’ve had some recent bad experiences with ME3Explorer where Texmod no longer applies textures. maybe this is happening to you? I had to vanilla my game, rebuild my texture tree, and then reinstall my mods to make it work. I think I figured out that if you build you texture tree AFTER installing a mod, the hex codes changes for some textures so then my .tpf (which reference hex codes) no longer work. Hope that helps!
Hey i’m not sure if you are still checking forums but whenever i apply any hair to “PROJessica” Diana’s hair goes completely mad and she looks ugly and my OCD is killing me. Anyway to fix it?
Oh yeah I never use Diana Allers so yes, that is normal. If you don’t want to change Allers’ hair, do a manual install of the hair mesh on one of the default Shep hairs :)