Lotus Hair

Lotus Hair
This is a practical hair that works great for all colors – it’s also available for MShep! Ported from the KS Hairdos for Skyrim.
**If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow, go here!**
Installation instructions for Femshep
If you use this mod, please consider donating to girlplaysgame.com – I will always provide mods to everyone for free but I could really use some help maintaining the site servers. Thanks for your support!
Oh my! This is sooooo gorgeous! Thank you so much for shareing.
Fabulous! This looks amazing, thanks for your hard work!
I do have one question though: I am having an awful time trying to get any highlights/highlight scalar working with this hair. Seems like I’m limited to the base colour? Or is that just how it is with modded hairs?
Yeah, it’s limited to the base color :( I’ve never gotten the rest to work with modded hairs
Hi im new to moding now I followed the instructions from your video and the hair is working perfectly but now her neck is a different color then her body is there a way to fix this.
Oh my gosh, I tried this mod this morning and I love it on my Shepard. She looks fantastic. Thank you so much :)
could you please share the face code for this? i always have trouble creating a decent looking character, and your femshep is the best i’ve seen. a nice mix of badass and beauty. thank you
AWwww thank you :) It’s not just the face code – you have to have a custom skin mod to get the same face. The code and mods are in my FAQ section on this blog :)
Hi! I’ve tried to install this mod 3 times now, but every time I do it never seems to work. I’ve followed all the instructions and videos to the letter but when it comes time to open the game it simply doesn’t open. I’ve left texmod running and ignored the “not responding” message as another post mentioned, and leave the computer alone, but it will still go upwards of 30 minutes and nothing happens. Is that normal? It seems excessive for just one texture change. What could I be doing wrong? Please help, my Shepard’s hair is ugly as sin and I’d really love to use this but I’m apparently failing so hard.
Check the FAQ for troubleshooting. Infinite load is usually caused by an extra space in the Gibbed code at the end (easy to miss if you just copy and pasted).
i was wondering by any chance what the appearance color’s are in the screenchots?