kaidan alenko
Kaidan's Leather Jacket Mod Replace Kaidan's formal wear in the Citadel DLC with Shepard's leather jacket, because Kaidan is a rock star. Requires ME3 Explorer and Texmod.
Kaidan Alenko Armor Variants It is my firm belief that Kaidan is one of the most under-appreciated team mates in the whole ME franchise, so here is some love.
In honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I'd write a post about Bioware (the number one life ruiner in the universe - that's a compliment, btw). One of the best.
A couple people have asked me to share how I create biotic effects in Photoshop so here's a basic tutorial. Keep in mind that you will probably play around with.
I hope everyone is doing super American things today like grilling, getting fat, and watching fireworks. I, for one, am holing up in my apartment and watching Independence Day. Because.
The start of something beautiful - Mass Effect alcohol ads :) Start your week right with some Femshep x Kaidan and Shepard x Miranda inspired Alliance gin! Click the images.