Mass Effect: Mass Effect Inspired Alcohol Ads

As always, you can download the full version by clicking below or the HD version for print on DeviantArt. Or, you can purchase poster and canvas prints AT COST in my Imagekind store! Please consider donating to this site via Paypal so I can continue to make my art available for free :) Enjoy!
Documentation: All ME characters belong to Bioware and respective alcohol bottles belong to their companies.
Alliance Gin – bottle, Tanqueray. Base image comes from a Guess ad.
Tali – bottle, Patron. The image of Tali comes from a screenshot of the Mass Effect game that is shared on Wikia.
Sovereign – bottle, Bacardi
Mordin – bottle, Malibu rum. Base image from Arkenvoodai.
Have any suggestions or requests? Let me know in comments!