Mass Effect: Happy 4th of July, America!

I hope everyone is doing super American things today like grilling, getting fat, and watching fireworks. I, for one, am holing up in my apartment and watching Independence Day. Because nothing says “I love America” like killing aliens. America, fuck yeah! :)
And here’s a happy 4th of July from possibly one of the greatest patriots to ever live – Shepard. Right up there with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson for sure. I mean, what did the Founding Fathers mean by freedom if freedom from indoctrination wasn’t included, riiiiiight? *disclaimer: that was tongue in cheek, don’t flame me for saying Shep = G Wash*
What are you doing this July 4th? Let me know in comments!
Not on topic, but I just found your blog and I love to find other girl gamers, especially those that are not afraid to just go out and have fun. Like you Mass Effect is my absolute favorite series. Keep up the good work. BTW, I just can’t let go of the series so it is back to another playthrough of all 3 and lots of multi-player. Hope to see you there.
Love it! I, too, am unhealthily obsessed with this amazing series. XD Do you play on Xbox? We should be friends! :)
I would friend you in a second, but alas, I play on the PC :( However, I do love the “unhealthily obsessed” part. that is very me. I adore Bioware.
Well, if you’re on Tumblr, you should add me – my “more fangirl, less mainstream” stuff ends up there, ha!
I’m not on Tumblr, but I left you a message on Facebook. Feel free to friend me.