Ultimate Mass Effect Modding Tutorial

Installation & Gameplay:
How to install most Mass Effect mods – a video tutorial
How to install Femshep hair mods
How to install MShep hair mods
How to make animated GIFs from Fraps
The Basics:
Texture Modding – Part 1 – Extracting Textures
Texture Modding – Part 2 – Editing Textures
Texture Modding – Part 3 – Replacing Textures
Super Advanced:
Creating Custom Meshes and Textures
Why won’t Mass Effect mods work?! A troubleshooting guide
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hi can you make video Tutorial
how to do animation like kissing
and how can to use the animation on gmae
Dear girlplaysgames,
I recently emailed you about, wanting to be friends with you through xbox.
I don’t know if you’ve seen it but, it’s on your gmail. Also, I wanted to inquire you about something. I recently stumbled upon an image that resembles your mods a lot. I wonder if you could show me how to get this similar face in mass effect 2 and 3.
Here’s the image
Sorry, here it is.
It’s the first one you see.