Skyrim: 9 Mods to Transform Skyrim into the Ultimate Tropical Adventure

If you’re like me, you spend more time modding Skyrim than you do actually playing it. Here are 9 mods that will make Skyrim seem like a completely new game set in the jungle instead of the wintery north.
This is the original Tropical Skyrim mod that turns all of Skyrim into a jungle environment. It even retextures birds to be more colorful!
Climates Overhauls: Tropical Edition
This is a different tropical Skyrim mod that also achieves the jungle-look. It even changes the animals to be more tropical-friendly (like pandas instead of regular bears!).
If changing the whole entire Skyrim game isn’t your thing (or your computer rig isn’t beast enough to support the super-high grass density required for tropical mods), you can always try these mods that basically create single locations that are tropical-themed:
If you want to visit a tropical oasis, this is a great mod that has many different areas for you to explore.
This mod gives you a tropical island to explore, complete with ancient Aztec ruins and even its own underwater Atlantis!
And now for some mods that add creatures befitting of your new tropical Skyrim:
Use this mod in conjunction with Climate Overhauls or by itself. It adds all sorts of new animals into Skyrim – pandas, tigers, warthogs, hyenas, and even dinosaurs! Because nothing says “tropical Skyrim” like killing some pandas.
Add some super cool fantasy monsters to your Skyrim game! My favorite is the tree monster pictured above … reminds me of bulbasaur :)
This mod makes the dragons in Skyrim colorful and vibrant to match your tropical scenery.
And of course, no tropical Skyrim is complete without some jungle-worthy armors – I’m gonna trust you guys to find you own skimpy armor mods for the hot jungle weather, but here are a couple of my favorites:
Want to blend in with the tropical foliage? Done!
This port of Vanille’s armor from FFXIII looks great in tropical Skyrim, especially if you equip some steel arrows and a bow!
Have you tried a tropical Skyrim runthrough? Do you have any mods to recommend? Let me know in comments! :)
Great Post ;)
Wow! Almost another game. :-)