Mass Effect: N7 Day Giveaway

It’s time for my first giveaway ever! And since most of you know me for Mass Effect mods, I’ll be giving away custom Mass Effect mods to some lucky followers. You can visit to view some of the mods I’ve created in the past.
Rules: None for my blog followers :) But you can view my Tumblr post version of the giveaway here!
How it enter: Leave a comment on this post with your mod request! For example, say “wavy long mermaid hair for MShep” or “Samara armor for Liara” or “steampunk outfit for Femshep” … the simpler the request, the more likely my mediocre modding skills can make a mod for it :)
How to win: I will select 7 lucky winners at random and create their mods. I’ll make a gif set for each winner and post them to Tumblr on N7 day (November 7th 2014!) with a link to the mod, tagged with the winners’ name. The mods will be on my site as well.
I’m really looking forward to hearing everyone’s awesome, cray-cray, and simply foolish ideas for mods – I’ll even give NSFW suggestions equal consideration! Also, if I don’t pick your mod for this giveaway, I will add it to my backlog of mods I need to get done someday. So, you’ll probably get your mod someday in the future, just not Friday :)
Leave a comment on this post with your mod request to enter the giveaway!
Giving Shepherd the abilities humans have in multiplayer. For example, giving soldier shep the hawk missile launcher and devastator mode.
Samurai inspired armor for Femshep!
A outfit or armor that like Nysaa al Ghul’s assassin/fighting outfit from “Arrow” (specifically, she wore in the show two episodes ago and possibly a few other episodes).
Miranda loyalty clothes from ME2 to miranda in me3 as well as femshep.
Tali withot mask
I wanted to do this, but I didn’t have wifi at the time, because I just moved to Italy,which is a pain because my 18th birthday was November 10th, only 3 days later.
Actually, I’d love to have the Samara outfit for Liara, now that you mention it.
Swap Liara and Jack at least as far as looks in me3