Destiny: 29 Codes to Redeem for In-Game Goodies

I hopped on the Destiny bandwagon out of sheer curiosity about a game that cost half a billion dollars (!!!) to make. Anyway, I feel like the storyline so far is a little lackluster and the missions require too much grinding for glimmer and xp, but it’s still fun. Being a glutton for instant gratification, I stumbled upon this little script on Reddit that unlocks all the redemption codes for Grimoire cards and special Emblems in Destiny. It should work for any version of the game on any console (I did it for Xbox 360). Enjoy!
The script unlocks all the following items in the game:
- Go to Bungie’s website here:
- Manually enter all the codes listed above in this blog post (boo) or use this simple script to automatically redeem them all at once using the Google Chrome browser (takes literally one second):
- In Chrome while viewing the Bungie website linked in step 1, press CTRL+Shift+J to bring up a blank box. This is where the code goes.
- Copy this and paste it into the box:
var codes=[“YKA-RJG-MH9”, “3DA-P4X-F6A”, “MVD-4N3-NKH”, “TCN-HCD-TGY”, “HDX-ALM-V4K”, “473-MXR-3X9”, “JMR-LFN-4A3”, “HC3-H44-DKC”, “69P-KRM-JJA”, “69P-VCH-337”, “69R-CKD-X7L”, “69R-DDD-FCP”, “69R-F99-AXG”, “69R-VL7-J6A”, “69X-DJN-74V”, “6A7-7NP-3X7”, “6A9-DTG-YGN”, “7F9-767-F74”, “FJ9-LAM-67F”, “JD7-4CM-HJG”, “JDT-NLC-JKM”, “JNX-DMH-XLA”, “7CP-94V-LFP”, “7MM-VPD-MHP”, “RXC-9XJ-4MH”, “X4C-FGX-MX3”, “X9F-GMA-H6D”, “N3L-XN6-PXF”, “RXC-9XJ-4MH”, “A7L-FYC-44X”];var codeField = document.getElementById(“text_code”);var i = 0;var delay = 2500;function enterCodeLoop () { setTimeout(function () { codeField.value = codes[i]; $(“.btn_submitCode”)[0].click(); i++; if (i < codes.length) { enterCodeLoop(); } }, delay) }
- You’re done! You should now see all the redemption codes being redeemed simultaneously.
Did this code work for you? Please let me know in comments! Or, if you’re playing Destiny on Xbox 360, please leave your gamertag and we can play together! :)
Xbox360 user- thanks for the codes! Appreciate the help! Send a message if you want some help in return!
Nice! Thanks for the codes! I’m 29 hunter on 360. If you wanna play, my GT is: holen25
Been grinding the demo for all I can in anticipation of getting this for Christmas, and this is going to help even more, thanks :)
Yay! I just an Xbox One and need to upgrade Destiny to that … let me know when you’re on!
I’m on 360, but sure.