Nightingale Dragon Armor

Nightingale Armor
Ripped a cape from Skyrim and ported it to the Blood Dragon armor. Looks badass in-game. Comes with silver/red texture and black texture (with glittery black dragon).
Nightingale Armor
Ripped a cape from Skyrim and ported it to the Blood Dragon armor. Looks badass in-game. Comes with silver/red texture and black texture (with glittery black dragon).
I’ve tried this several times and haven’t been able to make it work. I’m thinking it could be because all of the images (including inside the tpf) are tga format instead of dds
I’ve doublechecked and reinstalled this mod and it works fine on my game … TGA doesn’t make a difference, you can use TGA in .tpf files with no problem – many of my other texture mods are TGA. Are you replacing the blood dragon armor?
No, I was doing a separate install in a different fbd directory and trying to import it to texplorer. I’m really trying to eliminate texmod as much as possible, aside from your awesome hairstyles. I’ll try importing the udk into fbdh and using texmod. I should have tried that first before experimenting.
It works fantastic, sorry if you had to take extra time to test on your end. Although I suppose I’d be the first man to ever read directions lol. Thanks.
Please forgive me for being an absolutely amateur modder, but…I have no idea what to do. The readme just said look on the website for instructions, but I’m here and I still don’t know what to do. >.< I'm sorry to ask, but can you help me out?
What is the name of the texture which has to be edited? I have looked and looked and can’t find it!
I echo what Kyleigh asked, which file has to be loaded into ME3Explorer first? This is the only mod of yours I have trouble with xD
trying to do a manual install of the textures… texplorer not interested in .tga – so i convert into .dds. the diff and spec work OK when converted to dxt5 dds files, but i’ve tried dxt5, dxt3, dxt1 (1 bit alpha) and dxt1 (no alpha) for the normal map – none are accepted by texplorer…
this is to replace the BD armor
PS have you written or read elsewhere an idiot guide to fixing the weird specular/textures that occur when replacing some clothes/armor with custom mesh/tex (e.g. replacing cerberus armor with ashley tunic)
still have to use texmod to load this armor
but re the spec problem in loading some outfits as armors – after a bit of experimentation, making the spec a lot darker has had results, i’ve fiddled with exposure, gamma, the curves and levels and decreased brightness and contrast, decreased the vibrance and saturation to make it all darker and greyer to knock-out 90-95% of the spec effects.