Glam Hair

Glam Hair
Shepard has never looked so great! IMHO, this was how Shep was always meant to look. :)
Included in .rar:
.tpf file*
.PSK file
.upk file
I included the PSK file for anyone who wants to mess with it in 3DS Max, but otherwise, you won’t need it. The .upk file is required if you want to replace a particular hair mesh. The .pcc file is required if you just want an easy, quick install.
Required Programs:
ME3 Explorer
Gibbed Mass Effect Save Editor
Easy Instructions (using .pcc):
- Paste the BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.pcc into your game’s CookedPCConsole folder (BioGameCookedPCConsole).
- Skip to Step 8 under Manual Instructions!
Manual Instructions (using .udk):
- Open ME3 Explorer.
- Open Meshplorer (Developer Tools > Mesh > Meshplorer)
- Load the PCC (File > Load PCC )
- Open the BIOG_HMF_HIR_PRO.pcc file located in your game’s CookedPCConsole folder (BioGameCookedPCConsole).
- Click on the hair you want to replace – HMF_HIR_PROJessica_MDL. (You can replace other hairs but they can cause crashing issues so unless you’re experienced, just follow my instructions exactly).
- Go to Transfer > Import UDK … a new window will open. Go to File > Open UDK package and select the .UPK file.
- Click on the file that appears in the left window and then LOD 0 should appear in the right window. Click on LOD 0 and then go to Import LOD. A little popup should say “Done” after. Now you can close Meshplorer.
- Go to Tools > Tocbinupdater in ME3 Explorer.
- Go to File > Check PCTocbin and select your PCConsoleTOC.bin file located under your game’s BioGame folder.
- It should find an update and a popup will ask you if you want to update it – click yes.
Follow these directions to edit your hair in Gibbed using this information:
12. Open Texmod and load the .tpf (detailed instructions for complete n00bs here)
Hi I can’t seem to install this hair or other types nor the casual top too on my ME3. I followed all the instruction, tried both the PCC replacing or the manual with ME3explorer, but it just doesn’t seem to work. Every time I load the modified save file I always stuck with the infinite loading screen. Could you please let me know how to solve the problem ?
Thanks !
Check FAQ for reasons why your game might be stalling – don’t forget to update tocbin and delete extra spaces in Gibbed!
I did. It updates fine, found 1 update when I replace the pcc file, click apply and done. I don’t think it’s a problem from Gibbed’s, I have checked if there were extra space or anything, but I suspected it might be the pcc file itself, cause when I tried to paste back the original pcc and update the TOC, and try to load from the modified Gibbed save file, Run it with loaded tpf on texmod, it loads fine but of course, the hair is messed up, looks nothing like it was supposed to be.
Is this mod is not compatible for certain version of TOC ?? I never update my version of the original game.
It seems that no matter what I try, I cannot get the hair color to change. I followed the directions and even went over them several times to make sure I did everything correctly. The hair looks amazing in game and is perfect, except that I really want the hair color to be blonde. I thought that because my original hair color was blonde that maybe the hair would be blonde then but it’s a very dark brown/black with a red/brown streak in it. I’ve tried looking up how to change hair colors and it seems no matter what I change in Gibbed, I can’t get the hair color to change. Do you have any suggestions? How do you normally switch between the colors? Sorry I’m so new to all of this D:
The black-ish streak happens during certain lighting – it’s a thing with the way the game’s lighting works, and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Everything looks great in cut scenes but when you’re walking around or in combat in certain lighting, the streak will show up. :(
I’m having the black streak problem too, but noticed it also appears in at least the game’s opening cut scenes running around. I love it so much though I’m going to try it out on another cut scene now that I’m at the citadel.
At first I thought it was an issue with Dynamic Shadows but turning it on didn’t fix it, unfortunately.
I have exactly the same problem… plus the hairline is basically nonexistent at the forehead. I managed changing the hair colour with gibbed, but I could never get rid of the streak, which always remained somewhat textureless on top of my femsheps head :D
The black-ish streak happens during certain lighting – it’s a thing with the way the game’s lighting works, and I can’t figure out how to fix it. Everything looks great in cut scenes but when you’re walking around or in combat in certain lighting, the streak will show up. :(
I figured out how to fix it – I guess it was because of Texmod with me, Texmod doesn’t work AT ALL with my me3. It worked out fine after I installed the textures with ME3 Explorer. The only thing I still can’t seem to get fixed is the hairline :( It looks perfect on your screenshots, but on all my shepards it looks kind of cut off and clunky, more like a wig than real hair… I tried installing the upk instead of the pcc, but that didn’t fix it either … too bad, but she still looks great thanks to your mods :D! is how to fix the backwards lighting parts. I would do it myself, but I’m totally clueless with 3ds max..
I’m really enjoying your site – first came across it for DA mod recommendations (awesome) and now that I’m playing ME I’m back for more goodness. It’s my first time playing through the ME games and I desperately want a good looking FemShep. Going through ME 1 I mentally cringed every time I looked at her. :( I’m pretty new to modding so this may be a stupid question but, is there any way to use ME3 mods for ME2? The only ME2 hair mods I’ve found are more short helmet-esque styles and there are so many lovely options for ME3 (like yours above, swoon!)
Really like the glam hair, is this only for ME 3. or can it be used with all three games
Only Me3 :( I think you can probably port it over to Me2 but I dunno how!
is there a way of doing this without texmod? I have the origin copy, and I don’t like how texmod isn’t permanent.
BTW. I love the mods you have. I wish the tank top had a little more cleavage, but I still loved it.
I’m having trouble with the hair texture. I load the game through TexMod with the glam.tpf but the one I have seems incomplete. There are very obvious gaps in some places and it looks nothing like your photos. I uploaded a few photos to show you what I mean.
Could you make sure the .tpf available at the moment is up to date? Like I said, it turns out much different from your pictures.
Hey there, I can’t seem to get my FemShep’s hair to show up for some reason :( No matter what which method (easy and manual) I try, the hair just won’t show up, it’s like everytime when I use the save editor, and I run the game (from TexMod btw) it just goes back to the game’s own default settings and will have the game’s default hair. It’s driving me nuts and I want my Shepard to look good!! >.< Anybody wanna help me out here ??
hi can you please please please make a headmorphe files of your Glam Hiar mods for gibbs save editor for all three hair mods please I love all three but my fave is your blonde hair mod please when you see my message can you please email ma back please i only have the mass effect series on my
xbox 360
hi can you please please please make a headmorphe files of your Glam Hiar mods for gibbs save editor for all three hair mods please I love all three but my fave is your blonde hair mod please when you see my message can you please email me back please i only have the mass effect series on my
xbox 360
hi can you please please please make a headmorphe files of your Glam Hiar mods for gibbs save editor for all three hair mods please I love all three but my fave is your blonde hair mod please when you see my message can you please email me back please i only play and have the mass effect series for my xbox 360
Hi, all my headmorphs are linked in the FAQ section!
I assume you must have texmod running for this to work?
I assume there is no other way to use this mod without using Texmod?
You can replace the hair textures manually using ME3Explorer, then you wouldn’t need Texmod or the .tpf file :)
Hi great hairs and head head morphs. Main problem is that the hair always turns out as black, although the highlights are correct it comes out as black with red or blond streaks. I have tried every permutation of installing, its the same with hairs and had morphs. I have tried changing every colour in Gibbeds to green, still appears as black with green streaks green eyebrows etc. Textmod does not seem to make any difference. I noticed others seem to have the same problem but I have not seen a solution anywhere. I assume there is something extremely obvious I am doing wrong?
Not that I mind dark hair, just be nice to have a different colour for a change.
I don’t know how i did this, but my game is stuck at an infinite loading screen, after installing the hair. I have run the me3Explorer and checked for spaces in Gibbed, but nothing seems to work. can anyone help?