Mass Effect: Happy Tequila Se’lai Tuesday!

Get it? Geeeeeetttt iiiiit? :P As always, you can download the full version by clicking below or buy a print on DeviantArt. Unfortunately, Deviantart prices the prints automatically or else I’d make them free … If anyone knows a better way to allow people to order prints, please let me know. If you do buy a print from Deviantart, please let me know so that I can refund you the 20% that Deviantart gives to me as the artist, as I don’t want to make a profit from Bioware’s property.
Documentation: Tali belongs to Bioware and Patron belongs to Patron. The image of Tali comes from a screenshot of the Mass Effect game that is shared on Wikia.
Loved it! DAT PUN! <3
About the price thingie… You can just host the file in Mediafire or something with 300 DPI, print size and everything. =D
People can already download the high res version on DA, the problem is being able to get it in print form … I feel like DA makes this process the easiest, but I also don’t feel like getting sued :( Le sigh.