Mass Effect 3: Reckoning DLC Gameplay

Less than 24 hours until the new DLC release! Here are some gameplay vids to get you pumped … the first is the official trailer video and the second link is actual gameplay (I can’t get it to embed for some reason). Not gonna lie, it looks pretty awesome, especially the Geth Juggernaut!
Ugh, so today my connection crapped out again so I wasn’t able to finish the weekend challenge at 85% complete! Epic fail. It’s ok, I was never a huge fan of Zaeed so I don’t need his banner, I guess. As long as I’m able to get back on by tomorrow for the new DLC!!!
Are you pooping yourself with excitement? Let me know in comments!
Hell yes I am gpg, I wish you luck so your internet treats you nicely.
Can’t wait. Was hoping to have a bit more than 4.2 million saved, though. I think I need better people to play with.
If anyone wants to add me on Xbox, my gamertag is MC1R 13. I’m pretty much always on and mostly play U/U/G and U/Cerberus/Plat, but am willing to play anything but Bronze and the Box of Shame. Both are a little too boring.
Sounds good, I added you. My gt is eurytomid and anyone who plays U/U/G and U/U/P regularly feel free to add me
The Collector Adept looks really cool, but the Warlord and Juggy are where it’s at!
I think they gave the Volus a true heavy Melee Attack instead of that barrier thingie, because I swear I saw the Volus Vanguard at 00:57:36 using a punch similar to Batarian’s enforcement gauntlet.
Yeah you can give a volus the new gear that gives anyone the batarian enforcer punch. :D
Just a little Notice if you get on really early and get on mass effect, they give you one of the characters and maybe weapons for free. Just in case you didn’t like know, I got the cabel but I want the geth or warlord.