Mass Effect 3: Special Halloween Challenge and Oct 31 Multiplayer Balance Changes

In case you guys haven’t noticed yet, your objectives are pumpkins today!
There is a special challenge today:
October 31st – November 1st
Unnerving reports from the front indicate that the Collector reinforcements are more numerous than we feared. At this point, we do not know if our numbers are accurate or if psychological warfare is at work. We need to engage the enemy to assess their true strength.
Halloween Challenge – Complete the three Halloween challenges to earn the Halloween Challenge Banner.
Ghostbuster: Requires 5 extractions on Firebase Ghost or Firebase Ghost Hazard
Zombie Hunter: Requires 7500 points against husks/abominations.
Monster Killer: Requires 10000 points against brutes/scions/praetorians/banshees.
All challenges can be completed on any difficulty.
The good news is that 5 easy Bronze matches will net you the points you need to complete the Halloween Challenge. I did Reaper on Bronze on Firebase Ghost Hazard :)
Also, Bioware released this week’s new character, the Batarian Brawler Vanguard as well as two new hazard maps on Ghost and Dagger. And they tweaked some of the bosses in our favor and buffed a couple guns – read here for details. Any week without a nerf is a good week!
Are you going to do the Halloween Challenge? Let me know in comments!
Is that only for today or for the rest of the week?
Just today and tomorrow – ends in 43 hours from now!
Damn im a day late :( wouldnt have known if it wasnt for you though so thanks and wish me luck! HAPPY HALLOWEEN GPG!!
Has anyone else noticed that the Turian Ghost infiltrator’s rate of fire is increased by the adrenaline module??
Due to hurricane sandy bioware has extended the time limit to 108 hours of now so people without power can do it later after the storm so there is no rush and dont worry there will still be a weekend challenge