How to make an attractive, sexy Femshep Female Shepard in Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Hello, I am back with a tutorial on how to make attractive Femshep in the new Mass Effect Legendary Edition! This is specifically for starting with Mass Effect One. Sadly, there don’t seem to be any upgrades to the character creation in ME:LE as compared to the original, so really there’s only so much I can do here without mods (also, read below the video for info on MELE mods). Also, I still haven’t gotten my hands on an Xbox Series X yet so my graphics aren’t as nice as they could be. Ah well, c’est la vie!
You can watch the below YouTube video to follow along with my tutorial and make tweaks of your own, or you can just input the face code into your game:
Ok, for those of you wondering if my mods will be ported to MELE – there are efforts underway by AudemusN7 to port my Mass Effect mods over to MELE. I’ve given him and other modders to do so, but I am not personally involved. Please follow him on Twitter for updates!
Will the Revan Shepard preset be ported to MELE? sorry for my English
Will the Revan Shepard preset be ported to MELE? sorry for my English.
Ah, no I am not modding any more so won’t be modding for MELE!
Heya! I’ve been using your tutorials to make good looking characters for a while now, and I was wondering if there was chance you’d be interested in making a tutorial for crusader kings 3. That would be awesome, but even if you don’t, I’d still like to just say thanks for all your work regardless!
I don’t have the game but I will look into it!
Es sin mod pues resultado aunque no es busco es mucho mejor e obtenido por mi cuenta.