Skyrim: 49+ Assassin’s Creed armor and outfit mods for Skyrim

I’ve always loved the aesthetic of Assassin’s Creed, so naturally their outfits are among some of my favorite mods for Skyrim. Recently, 레커 (Lae Keo, I think is how you say it?) on Steam has been porting over tons of new armors from the AC series (and Dishonored and Battlefield as well!). Anyway, I decided to try them all on and take some screenshots for you … the individual mods are all linked in the post but sadly, they’re only available on Steam. *The original mod creator asked me to take down the compilation – now you have to get them from Steam, or ask me to send you the file in comments :)* The original mod creator has since posted that he doesn’t care if people reupload his mods, woo!
So, for all you non-Steam people out there, I decided to create a single compilation “Assassin’s Kit” of all the mods in this post for you to download without Steam. These mods were NOT created or ported by me – all credit goes to 레커 and the other creators. This download link is just to make it easier to download everything in one place without Steam. :D **Updated file 17 June 2016 with 6 new armors**
Download the Assassin’s Kit (all the mods featured in this post in one .zip file)
If you’re interested in downloading these mods from Steam one by one, here are the links and how to get the armors – some of the naming differs from in-game and the download file, so make sure you read the description below to see what name to look for in the console. Also, all of these armors are craftable in the forge unless otherwise denoted.
Latest Additions (June 16, 2016):
Ezio Roman Robe (Assassin’s Creed 4) – console command “help roman”
Adewale Robe (Assassin’s Creed 4) – console command “help adewale”
James Gunn Robe (Assassin’s Creed 4) – console command “help gunn”
Outsider Outfit (Dishonored) – console command “help outsider”
Defender’s Garb (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) – console command “help defender”
Elise de la Serre Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Unity) – console command “help elise”
Older mods:
Lydia Frye Coat (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) – console command “help lydia”
Evie Frye Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) – console command “help evie”
Claudia Auditore Outfit (Assassin’s Creed) – console command “help auditore”
Lady Melyne’s Gown (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) – console command “help melyn”
Shao Jun Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Chronicles China) – console command “help shao”
Machiavelli’s Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood) – console command “help machiavelli”
Morgan’s Coat (Assassin’s Creed 4) – console command “help morgan”
Bonnet Coat (Assassin’s Creed 4) – console command “help bonnet”
Ratonhnhaké:ton Outfit (Assassin’s Creed 3) – console command “help raton”
King George Outfit (The Tyranny of King Washington, Assassin’s Creed 3) – console command “help george”
Master Assassin Armor (Assassin’s Creed Revelations) – console command “help master”
Viking Armor (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help viking”
Shay Versailles Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help versailles”
Achilles Davenport Outfit (Assassin’s Creed 3) – console command “help achilles”
Haytham Kenway Outfit (Assassin’s Creed 3) – console command “help grandmaster”
James Cook Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help cook”
Connor Kenway Ratonhnhaké:ton Outfit (Assassin’s Creed 3) – console command “help liberation”
Cesare Borgia Outfit (Assassin’s Creed) – console command “help cesare” – rare armor, can’t find original link anymore, not craftable
Brutus Outfit (Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood) – console command “help romulus” – rare armor, can’t find original link anymore
Mayan Armor (Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag) – console command “help mayan”
Colonial Templar Coat (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help colonial”
Italiana Assassin Robe (Assassin’s Creed 2) – console command “help renascence”
Drachen Armor (Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood) – console command “help drachen”
Templar Armor (Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag) – console command “help templar armor”
Armor of Altair (Assassin’s Creed 2) – console command “help altair”
Armor of Ishak Pasha (Assassin’s Creed Revelations) – console command “help ishak”
Arno Dorian Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Unity) – console command “help arno”
Assassin Killer Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help killer”
Dark Assassin Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help dark assassin”
George Monro Armor (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help george”
11th Century Templar Armor (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help 11th”
Jack the Ripper Armor (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) – console command “help jack”
Frontiersman Armor (Assassin’s Creed Rogue) – console command “help frontiers”
Jacob Frye Steampunk Armor (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) – console command “help steampunk”
Huntsman Armor (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) – console command “help huntsman”
Ezio Auditore Outfit (Assassin’s Creed 2) – console command “help auditore”
Ezio Auditore Robe (Assassin’s Creed 2) – console command “help ezio”
Jacob Frye Outfit (Assassin’s Creed Syndicate) – console command “simple jacob”
Teague Martin Outfit (Dishonored) – console command “help overseer”
Daud Outfit – The Knife of Dunwall (Dishonored) – console command “help dunwall”
Lord Protector Armor (Dishonored) – console command “lord protector”
Got any more Assassin-themed mods to add to this list? Let me know in comments!
Which one of these is your favorite?
Hey, just wanted to say, I freakin LOVE you for this :3
I hate Steam and many of these tend to disappear after a while anyway.
This bundle is a gold mine, thank you thank you THANK YOU
Aaaaand it’s down. Just like I expected.
Modders who suck Steam’s dick are bullshit :T
Don’t worry, the old link still works :) Someone posted it in the comments. Everything’s up to date with all the latest!
I also really love this compile, too!! Such “hotness” all in one package!
Why are most of these on the steamworkshop?Has people not understood yet that the workshop just sucks so hard and only causes problems?Jesus christ…
yeah it’s seriously terrible – I don’t know why people put them on Steam only, that’s why I compiled a link here :(
I like to use zEdit to merge them to an esp file , is it possible or not ?
You are amazing, Thank you for doing this. I only use Steam when I have to :)
why is the king george mod not with the zip file but other than that these are amazing mods
Hi, the King George mod is in the zip file but it’s called “Tyranny of King Washington” BSA :D
ah ok thanks i tried to find it in game i just couldnt find it so i thought it was removed
Ok, let me just do everyone a favor here and post the link to this download in the comments. Thanks for compiling this GPG – it’s so stupid when modders care what site their mods are being downloaded from, it’s not like they’re making money from it, and also if you’re only choosing to upload your mods to Steam, you might as well not upload them at all!
thank you!
and you’re right if i was the modder i would want everyone to be happy using my mod and spreding the word to everyone. and like you said he’s not getting paid so why bother?
not to bother, but, do you think you can send me the compilation file?
ive just checked for the bsa it not there
Can I please please please have the mod?
Hey friend you could get these two mods the same author ?
The Witcher 3 New Moon Set and Templar 14th Century Armor
please :)
hey can you send me the altiar mod please :)
May i just have the frontiersman armour? The file size is to big. And i doubt i’ll wear all of them
What happened to the link….? I really want to download this but I can’t figure out how please please send it or help! :D thanks!!!
Just read what you said in the desc anyways can you send me the files?, muchly appreciated and thanks man!!!! :D :D
Hey can you please send me the evie and melyne mod? Thanks a lot!!! :D
Hey…do you know if anyone made the wayfarer armor from ac4? I really wanna have that armor :d
Can you please send me the files? Or maybe if there was one esp version?
hey hi, can you pls send me the files that you said in the description? pls.. i really want it :)
Hello,I read the description says to ask you to send the file. So i would like to ask your generous heart to send me the Colonial Templar coat that would a lot of help thanks! and should i check my email after the file is send?
All the mods are in this file!
thanks really thanks
How can i download this file?! the link is not working
Hey guys, I’ve been trying with partial success to create a merged file but many of the armors tend to go invisible when I do so. Anybody happen to have a merged esp of this or the witcher kit? I love these armors but my load order becomes crazy. If anybody would be willing to merge the esp I would name my first born child after you.
can you send me the assassins cree darmor and outfits mod for skyrim
which one of these has the claudia armor? ._. i dont think i can find it
Thank you so much! I don’t have Steam so this compilation saved me! :D
Is it maybe possible for you to send the file to me via email? Mediafile isn’t working for me, the Captcha won’t show up for me to prove I am, in fact, human.
If it isnt too much to ask, and is within your knowledge, could you please merge them all into a single plugin? I tried doing it myself but im pretty new to this, so the end results were terrible. Would be much much appreciated =) Ive been keeping up with the updates ur making, thanks for making this content available to the rest of us.
You are my best friend now!! Thanks for the mod sharing and spread the love of Assassin’s Creed into Skyrim world!! We work in the dark to serve the light.. Cheers Assassins!
Anyone been able to find the “bloofer lady” outfit from syndicate?
I cannot download the zip file
pleease give me the link for the ac armors