Calling all screenarchers: here’s my favorite tool for organizing video game screenshots

Ok guys, I wanted to share a really cool app (Forevery) that I’ve been using to sort and organize my thousands of video game screencaps. No, I’m not being paid to promote this (I freaking wish! contact me if you want to pay me, Forevery peeps :D) – it’s a legit app that I just downloaded today and I’m addicted to it already – so, you know, #first :D The app is called Forevery and it’s free, so go download it now and thank me later.
If you’re like me and take endless screenshots in game, you probably have a really hard time finding the caps you want to share. Forevery uses artificial intelligence to identify everything in your photos – you’re supposed to use it for personal pics, but I found the facial recognition feature to be AWESOME at learning all my custom video game characters that I made:
Anyway, you can basically create any tag you want and teach the app a handful of photos it applies to, then the app does the rest. Like for Skyrim, it will pull in every picture it looks like is from Skyrim – you can also use other tags that it automatically figures out, like “water” to search for all Skyrim caps with water in them. Or you can sort images of your OC’s by multiple characters who appear in the pic (Aerie and Tannick, for example) or by the character and some other tags (like Tannick and Weapon) – this is literally the slickest thing ever:
I can’t even tell you how much time and effort this saves me to find pics to post to my Instagram accounts (girlplaysgame and SkyrimCam) … hopefully you guys find it useful, too! Download Forevery here and try it :D If you hate it, I’ll give you five seconds of your life back (not really). But trust me, you’ll love it.
Got other app recommendations for screenarchery? Let me know in comments!
What program do you use to screencap?
I use Fraps – wrote a big post about it with download :D