A Swanky New Layout to Celebrate Spring!

***UPDATED*** Ok, ok! I get it! You guys miss my N7 red and gray color scheme! Thanks for all your feedback – I updated the template colors to my old colors, so hopefully your soul is soothed now :D
Hey everyone! It’s been well over a year since I last update my blog theme so I thought I’d give it a brand spanking new look. It works better on mobile now and loads faster so I hope you guys like it! I also think it is much more visually appealing and easier to share and navigate my posts.
Hopefully, the new look will also inspire me to post more often :P
Let me know how you guys feel about the new design in comments! Or, alternatively, you can also rate this post using the stars below :D
LOL. A red bow on a baby blue controller. :D This is so not you… XD Or is it? Like it anyways… GJ! :)
Haha my friend made me the logo, not convinced I love it yet. Or the color scheme. We’ll see if I keep it! :)
I dear to say that my soul is still not soothed my fair lady. Could you compose a poem regarding the color scheme mayhaps? That might help to easy my soul deeply troubled by baby blue… XD XD XD
Fcking autocorrect. I hate to type from my phone… :P