Dragon Age: Inquisition Nude Mods Released for PC

Well, that was quick. The pervy fans of Bioware never cease to amaze (and I mean that as a compliment!). If you want to get your NPC’s naked during the game outside of romance scenes, modders have found a way! Unfortunately, the nude base models in the game have awkward Ken/Barbie doll privates if you know what I mean. Nothing to the degree of peen-in-your-face sophistication that Skyrim mods have evolved to.
Here are the pics – I think it’s kind of interesting that the nude models have different package sizes if you catch my drift. Also, they are completely hairless which is strange for Varric in particular who is pretty much famous for chest hair. Oh yeah, I guess I should say these pics are NSFW, except if there is only a plasticky smooth spot in the privates, is it really that? Well, I guess if there are nipples … anyway, view the enlarged version at your discretion, but fair warning – it can’t be unseen :)
Well, anyway, I won’t be using these mods, but if you want to, visit here for instructions on how to mod it with Cheat Engine. I personally have never modded with Cheat Engine so sorry I won’t be able to answer your questions this time.
What do you think of these mods? Let me know in comments!
This is…I don’t know anymore! XD
I found your blog looking for infos on “Campus life”. I’m from Belgium and it’s not very well known here.
I have to say it was a very pleasant surprise. I’ve tried some of your hacks they’re really great!
I also wanted to tell you how much I think you’re funny. I’ve read your articles (not all of them yet :P). I have to say my favorite one is the one about video games vs real life.
And as I’m already writting a very long comment (sorry so much to say!) I was wondering if you have an idea of how to hack “Cooking fever” in order to have money and gems. I’ve tried applying similar technics from your previous hacks: use ifunbox, changing some .csv files etc but nothing worked. Probably because I’m new to the video games world and I don’t know how.
So that’s it! Thanks for the great hacks and the awesome articles!!
Once again sorry for talking for so long and so sorry about my bad/weird english.
Greetings from Belgium,
Tiuska !