Ava Outfit

Ava Outfit for Femshep
Rock the space cowboy look with this badass outfit for Sheppie. It’s the perfect combination of chic and intimidating. I plan to make different colored variations of the outfit in the future, so any of your requests for color combinations and the button design on the back are most welcome! :) Original port from Alliance vs. Alliance.
Included in zip:
XXXX.upk (optional for manual install)
Resources folder (this is a modder’s resource – you will not need these files if you are doing an install of this mod)
I included the Resources folder for anyone who wants to mess with the mod in 3DS Max, but otherwise, you won’t need it. The .upk file is required if you want to replace a particular hair mesh. The .pcc file is required if you just want an easy, quick install.
Required Programs:
ME3 Explorer (this mod was created using the latest version of ME3Explorer Versions 0109K)
Gibbed Mass Effect Save Editor
Easy Instructions (using .pcc):
- Paste the BIOG_HMF_ARM_CTH_R.pcc into your game’s CookedPCConsole folder (BioGameCookedPCConsole).
- Skip to Step 8 under Manual Instructions!
Manual Instructions (using .psk):
- Open ME3 Explorer.
- Open Meshplorer (Developer Tools > Mesh > Meshplorer)
- Load the PCC (File > Load PCC )
- Open the BIOG_HMF_ARM_CTH_R.pcc file located in your game’s CookedPCConsole folder (BioGameCookedPCConsole).
- Click on the outfit you want to replace – the intro outfit is CTHi. (You can replace other outfit as well).
- Go to Transfer > Import from UDK … a new window will open. Import the .upk file.
- A little popup should say “Done” after. Now you can close Meshplorer.
- Go to Tools > Tocbinupdater in ME3 Explorer.
- Go to File > Check PCTocbin and select your PCConsoleTOC.bin file located under your game’s BioGame folder.
- It should find an update and a popup will ask you if you want to update it – click yes.
- Open Texmod and load the .tpf (detailed instructions for complete n00bs here)
If you use this mod, please consider donating to girlplaysgame.com – I will always provide mods to everyone for free but I could really use some help maintaining the site servers. Thanks for your support! :)
Love this outfit! Thank-you so much :)
Hey, I try to download it, but the PCC file isn’t in it :(
Oh yeah, I only did that one for manual replacement. I can upload a PCC If that would be helpful, but the PCC only replaces the intro outfit … let me know if that is what you want …
Yes please :D
Ok uploaded w/PCC included! :)
Love you, love your site, love this outfit! :)
I’m sure I’ve clicked/added something wrong here, but I keep restoring my old PCC files and this keeps happening, but there’s this weird spikey mesh on my HMF_ARM_CTHk_MDL when I upload this one. I get this outfit in HMF_ARM_CTHi_MDL, but it messes up K for some reason. I just want to know if it’s a problem on your end or my end (most likely) so I can stop stressing! :P
Here’s a screencap of it in me3explorer:
Oh yeah, I don’t have a clean vanilla install of my Biog_HMF_Cth pcc file anymore so my cthk files sometimes have my mods in them too – that’s from when I replaced the black dress with my cyberpunk armor mod … You can revert it back to the black dress by replacing the original pcc file. Or you can manually replace it with another mod … sorry!
Ok, good, I’ll just keep messing with it then :P I thought I was going nuts ‘cos I don’t remember downloading a mesh like that – but I have a LOT of meshes :P I have another question, does the armor actually work in-game during battles as armor? Or is it just called armor but only for Casual wear?
Well, you can technically use it as armor but sadly the skin won’t look right if you’re replacing an armor – it will be all shiny and white :( If you want to modify the diff and norm textures in Photoshop, you can kind of re-color it to be your Shepard’s skin color, but the skin will still look shiny
Ohh, ok, i think I get it, so is there a way to make my Femshep wear her Casual Wear at all times?
Love your work, GLG. You’ve made my ME experience immeasurably richer. I only wonder if its possible to upload the mods without the modders’ files? That is, just the mod installation files.
i love!!!!! all your mods are so great, btw. also i didnt even notice at first but the n7 button on the back of the backpack thing was a great touch :>
It doesn’t work to me, i have a crashed armor, if someone know why, please tell me how to resolve it would be nice :)
i can only say one thing
Can you give rgb values of this hair color? :)
I may be making some kind of stupid mistake (its been know to happen), but it seems that when I download this file I get the mesh from the lionheart outfit, and the textures just get messed up. It changes the dress to lionheart and just throws the ava texture on the hoodie (I think). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It replaces the intro outfit not the dress …
My bad, hadn’t played in a while and forgot the order of the outfits. Don’t know what changed, but it recently fixed itself. Think I had some overlapping mods that screwed something up. Love your mods by the way, lots of cool outfits (as well as great tutorials), that are higher quality than most things on Nexus.
i cannot get texmod to work for me no matter what i do, so i usually use tpf tools in me3explorer to change textures, but this mod doesnt work with that because of the naming strucure of these files, also replacing the intro outfit textures using texplorer is horribly difficult, is there any help you might be able to give me on this, i really like this mod but i cant use it becuase texmod wont work for me ( i get D’OH error message when i try to run it, w/e the means)
This is probably my fault – this mod replaces the intro outfit if you just copy/paste the .pcc file. If you want it to replace another outfit, you need to manually upload it.
I followed your instructions, even downloaded the recolor I liked, but my outfit comes out like this: http://i.imgur.com/f3GuiDH.png
Have you seen this before?
Hello, I actually have a pretty confusing problem. Whenever I replace the original .pcc file with the one included in this file, and I try to load up my save, the game crashes. Do you happen to know of any way to fix this?
You need to update your tocbin file after replacing the .pcc
I have the same problem as Natalie (the picture is the same that pops up on my screen).
Do you know how to fix it?
I love this Ava outfit! It really looks great as an intro outfit! I tried to mod it manually in my game (texture change, I don’t want to use textmod, I’d like to have it permanently), but the texture isn’t correctly displayed. The outfit is right, but the her skin beneath is all pale white (except the face). Do you know a solution to that problem?
Keep up the amazing work!
Hey there, really awesome outfit :) I loaded it via MEExplorer and the textures are all there – however the camera perspective is all wrong (too close to the floor) any ideas? Thanks alot in advance
I did all the instructions, but the clothing is not displayed correctly.
I have no idea what i’ve done here…
I have the same problem – does anyone know how to fix this?
This is my exact problem as well. Followed all instructions and am even getting used to all the modding so I don’t know what I did wrong. I tried toying around with Gibbed which kind of worked but didn’t at the same time. I did notice that there are no instructions for what to DO with Gibbed after “easy” installing (which is what I did first) so I’m thinking maybe that’s why? Something must be done in Gibbed for it to work properly?
Nothing need to be changed in gibbed when you use an outfit mod. Gibbed is really only required for hair mods :D
What hair mod are you using in the screenshots? I don’t see it in the hair mod section
The hair is called Lotus – it should be there!
Thank you!