Casual Liara Mod

Casual Liara
OMG how fucking adorable is Liara? Replaces her casual appearance on the Normandy with a casual crop top and pants from Kitsumichi (AKA KurauAmami on Deviantart)!
3/16/2014 Update: Released new version that fixes her norm file so her skin looks more natural and less shiny. Also, the .tpf file replaces textures while Liara is aboard the Normandy but I haven’t tested it in the Citadel and so if it doesn’t work there, let me know and I will create a new .tpf that includes the Citadel appearance. :D
hi,i tried installing casual liara outfit and it didnt work. it made her default armor into a jumbled mess.i have followed the instructions properly however i used TPF tools/installer in the me3explorer to install the TPF instead of worked for me when i installed femshep’s casual tank top mod.but for some reason its not working with liara’s casual tank top.could it be that the TPF file is corrupted or incomplete? i am not comfortable with installing .upk files so i stick to .pcc and TPF.. any help will be appreciated.thanks in advance.
I’ve never tried the tpf installer in me3explorer … The mod definitely works if you only run the tpf in texmod tho. I’m fairly certain it’s not corrupted. :)
thanks for the reply…i will try to install it with TEXMOD and see if it works.btw is there any chance you could make a mod to change liara’s default armor ( same as her default dress on normandy) with the casual tank top? it’d be awesome if i could have both my femshep and liara saving the galaxy in their tanktops.thanks in advance.
I can try but it might take a while … you could probably figure it out using my tutorial :) I just released a fix to the mod I already have for her as well, so I’ll put it on my to do list.
thanks for the reply…but honestly i am a noob when it comes to mass effect modding….if it was easy like dragon age or skyrim then probably i’d give it a try.i’d rather wait for you to mod liara’s default armor into casual tank top.i’d also appreciate if you could make the tpf usable by tpf tools/installer in me3explorer instead of texmod.because i want to avoid running texmod everytime i wanna play mass effect.thanks in advance.
Manually installing the .upk doesn’t seem to be working for me. It says ‘done’ after importing but the model remains unchanged. What do you think is the issue? Also there’s three entries in the .upk file (liara, liara2, and liara3). I tried all of them but I’m also wondering which one you’re to supposed to import.
There are 3 LODs you have to replace so liara, liara2, and liara3 are for each respective LOD. If you only replaced one LOD, the mesh will not be correct in the game.
Yeah I can’t seem to get it to work with Texmod either, I don’t use texmod for any other mods because I normally install the tpf use ME3explorer to avoid starting up texmod up every time. I have completed the origin work around for texmod but still no luck. Can see the shape of the outfit but the colours are using the original outfit scheme, any help would be appreciated :)
What scene are you using it in? I only tested it with Liara on the Normandy … if she’s out in the Citadel for example, it requires a different texture replacement …
Thanks for the reply :D. On the Normandy, i’ll have a fiddle with texmod (reinstalling using the origin workaround), see if I can’t figure anything out
I fixed it, turns out texmod was acting up in the renaming process, thanks for the help
I did the usual steps I used for importing with me3explorer: Transfer > Import from UDK > Open UDK Package > liara/liara2/liara3 > Import LOD. After I click the model again, the preview remains unchanged as well as in game. Am I missing a step somewhere?
Looks awesome!! Great job! Since you’ve figured out how to do it, do you think you might be able to do some other casual appearances for her, as well? (Like the “science” outfit she wore on the ship during ME1?) I hate that LotSB-style default armor, and would love having more options for her…
Are you talking about the green uniform that looks like Chakwas’ only green?
Yep, that’s the one. :)
If it helps, this is what it looks like after I tested importing the .upk file into one of femshep’s casual outfits: It’s liara’s default outfit instead of the tank top?
This is what the one inside your premade .pcc file looks like when I opened it:
hanks for the reply…but honestly i am a noob when it comes to mass effect modding….if it was easy like dragon age or skyrim then probably i’d give it a try.i’d rather wait for you to mod liara’s default armor into casual tank top.i’d also appreciate if you could make the tpf usable by tpf tools/installer in me3explorer instead of texmod.because i want to avoid running texmod everytime i wanna play mass effect.thanks in advance.
Hey just wanted to say this mod is sweet, having this and femsheps cropped top is awesome:)
I had some trouble with them not loading properly, sometimes it would load, more often than not it wouldn’t (I’d get that mess of textures) I disabled the Origin overlay and it seemed to fix it, so to anyone having trouble try that and see if it works for you :)
Thanks Girlplaysgame :)
Yeah, I’ve only tested the mod on the Normandy – You need to edit other files for how Liara appears in the Citadel or off the Normandy to use this mod everywhere :(
It works OK on the Citadel and even in Shepard’s apartment in the Citadel DLC without me having to change anything. I run it through TexMod, not sure if permanently installing the textures would make a difference or not though as I haven’t tried that yet.
Screenie of them applied and working fine on the Citadel:
Not sure what I’m doing wrong, but the texture in my install comes out very light and washed out, kinda pastel look. Any ideas?
This mod is awesome and I love how it looks on her! I’ve actually been inspired by it to make my own mod. I’m replacing her default white outfit entirely (save the low-poly model in the Citadel dlc) with Ajax armor for in the field and a science uniform for off-duty. It’ll be compatible with this (the science uniform is optional) and I intend to point people this way if they don’t want their Liara all covered up ;)
(it’s not out yet, but it’ll be up on the Nexus and the Bioware forums soon)
Yay! Glad you like it! Post your mod in comments when you’re done and I’ll add you to the blog :)
It’s done! :) Here’s my tumblr post, which has links to both websites I also have one for EDI :)
Also, have you considered updating this to install via .mod? I could make one up for you, even :) They’re much easier on the end user.
i installed it as you said in instructions, but when scanning with the TocBinUpdater it only find 2 updates, not 3 as you said. it works fine for me in normandy and citadel, but on combat misions like the one of mars archives at the begining she wears his default white outfit with your new textures over the vanilla mesh. my version of me3explorer is 632 and my texmod is Beta Version v09b (c)RS
I’m having a similar issue as others have mentioned: Liara’s outfit looks like a jumbled mess. I admit I’m a newb at modding, and I might be several months late to the scene, but I’d be greatly appreciative if someone could assist me, or at least point to where I went wrong. I’m attaching an image so you can see what’s going on. I’ve tried installing this a few times with the same results, reverting Liara’s outfits to vanilla each time. I thought maybe it was interacting with another texture pack, but it doesn’t appear to be.
I am having the same issue…it seems that the texture is applying to the incorrect object…applying to the default armour instead of the casual outfit. I tried messing with it using modmaker, but I am not having any luck yet.
Can this mod install off a cesual outfitt for Asari_Mod?
I love this mod but can’t get it to work properly either. I installed manually with the b upk file and the mesh shows but the textures are wrong. I tried assigning the texture through Texplorer but can’t find the diff / norm / spec files. Any suggestions? Thank you GirlPlaysGame!