Mass Effect: Build-Your-Own-Ending with “The Galactic Times”

Yesterday, I posted a gif set called “The Galactic Times – A Collection of Post-War Headlines” on Tumblr and got an overwhelming response, so up it goes on my blog ;) A lot of people have asked me to do specific headlines for their favorite characters or head canons (BTW, some of you have some effed up imaginations, ha!), so I’m making the individual gifs available for everyone to mix and match as they please. Build your own Galactic Times now!
Please link back to if you use these gifs and like us on Facebook! :)
This is a screenshot of the original (click to see animated version):
Individual Gifs (might be slow loading on my page as they are animated, but they look great on Tumblr!):
Use this as the header:
Mix and Match these options:
Ending Specific:
Romance Specific:
You can download the Photoshop (.psd) file to create your own here!
Finally, here are some more examples of The Galactic Times:
#1. girlplaysgame on Tumblr
If you have requests or comments, please share them in the comments! Also, please leave a link to your photoset in comments to share your head canon! If you make your own gif, please send it to so I can add it to the collection :)
LOL Conrad Verner.
So much awesome, great work.
“A Hundred Ways to Accessorize Your New Synthetic Look” is my new favorite fictional article. Brilliant.
“Pirates of Penzance” revival on Tuchanka made me tear up >.<