The Last of Us: Whole Game as a Captivating 6 Hour Zombie Movie

I don’t own a PS3 so you can imagine my bitter disappointment when “The Last of Us” was released and I couldn’t play it. But, I’m always down for a good zombie movie and thanks to this 6 hour cut, I can at least enjoy the cinematic moments of the game. Seriously, this game plays like a Hollywood film! The voice acting was great and the graphics were amazing so it was really enjoyable to watch – I just had it on in the background while I was doing some work so I could pay attention in all the important/exciting parts and ignore some boring gameplay bits.
A lot of scenes shocked me into paying attention and some parts are so engrossing that you can’t turn away. Particularly the first 20 minutes, [spoiler alert] the scene where Tess dies, the scene when it’s revealed that Sam is infected and his brother Henry has to kill him … then kills himself, the last hour where you’re basically playing as Ellie because Joel has been badly injured, the list goes on! Plus, Ellie the 14 year old girl drops F-bombs like a drunk sailor so it’s pretty amusing.
Anyway, if you’re bored and you like shows like “The Walking Dead”, it’s definitely worth a watch. Here’s the link:
I don’t have a PS3 either and I’m watching the 1080p (11 parts) version right now, the characters and the narrative are really great!!
I enjoy these types of games, like Mass Effect, The walking Dead and Alan Wake (I just finished this game, it was so good).
I can’t wait to watch Beyond Two Souls, this game looks epic.
Wow, you’re playing exact the same games like me! I love all of these so much (especially Mass Effect).