Mass Effect 3: Omega DLC for Campaign Mode Out Today

I’m about to download and dominate this DLC … anyone else get it?
Review: Again, another short DLC – took less than a couple hours to complete. The graphics were stunning as usual and the storyline was interesting … The plot choices seemed way more Renegade-sided – I only got one Paragon prompt and like 5 Renegade ones. I wish I were playing through with a Renegade Shepard just so I could shoot the General in the end :) Nyreen and Aria were good teammates, though I wouldn’t have minded more time with the regular crew like in Leviathan. Ah well. Definitely worth the $ if you’re a big ME fan!
Asari huntress is out. ;)
OMG awesome – I am so behind the times :)
It’s also bugged (TC isn’t giving a bonus damage to weapons). GG Bioware.
Yeah! She seems quite nice. Tactical Cloak, Dark Channel and Warp. A stealthy Biotic Detonator.
Does she have any tweaks to TC? Or is it basic TC? I would love a character with a longer duration, maybe 2 secs.
She gets a bonus to power damage at rank 6 evolution instead of weapon damage.
I find that kind of strange because Warp and Dark Channel are both duration type powers, so I wonder if the bonus applies to the initial hit or the entire duration …
From casual observation looks to be the intial hit- but I haven’t tested this extensively..
Yeah, 25% Biotic Damage, though it’s not clear if it applies for just the initial burst or the DoT. Would be nice if the bonus was similar to the Turian Ghost: 25% Biotic Damage for X secs as soon Cloak is activated.
I got the download and already played to the end, it was worth the price.
This dlc was amazing. I recommend to all who are reading.
I really enjoyed it as my Adept Shepard on Hardcore. I wonder what happens with being a soldier or engineer.