Skyrim: 24+ Best Badass Armor Mods for Males

For your rogue:
Contractor Armor – the Dark Brotherhood has always wanted an outfit this sleek and deadly. A gorgeous armor from one of my favorite modders, Zerofrost.
Dishonored Armor – you’d be surprised at how well the Dishonored universe meshes with the world of Skyrim!
Enpremis Galadhrim – a nice little armor set for a ranger or archer!
Evil Mastermind – any assassin would be lucky to have this sexy armor. Another brilliantly detailed armor from Zerofrost, king of Skyrim armors!
Liberation Assassin – bringing in some Connor Kenway from Assassin’s Creed for a great archer/rogue outfit.
Loner Armor – a nice retexture of some Witcher 2 armor that is perfect for your ranger!
Oathbreaker – moar Witcher 2 armor ports for your rogue character.
Raven Armor – clearly I can’t get enough of Witcher 2 in Skyrim. Love Geralt’s armor for a tough Ranger character.
Templar Grandmaster – another port from Assassin’s Creed, this time it’s Haytham Kenway’s outfit which is great for an assassin with style.
Hit the jump for Skyrim armors for your warrior … click NEXT below to keep reading!
My guy is using the Armor on Intrigue but maybe it wasn’t sexy enough for this list.
Okay, so we’ve got the mods and the armour, now we just need a video on how to make your male character!
Who is that in the screenshot for this article? Is that tannick?
Yes Tannick in all of them!
AWESOME! If only you put a link to the mod that would be more awesome.
Um all the names of the mods link out to the mod download page.
What hair/beard/texture mods are you using? Could you link them to me?
I specifically like the hair you used for the Draken armor screenshots.
May I get a link to all of the hair/beard/face mods you used in these screenshots?
Whoops. I am so sorry. I did not mean to post more than one comment. I am super sorry.
What is the crossbow mod you use with the contractor armor?
I believe it is called Dread Crossbow
which sword do you use with mastermind
I believe it’s DCR sword