mass effect
Fancy Flight Suit So, in my headcanon, since Shepard is the first human spectre, she gets to design the first human spectre dress uniform. And obviously, my Shep has a.
Dread Pirate Shepard Armor Feel like being a space pirate? This armor is for you. Comes with cool gold shiny details and a badass skull and crossbones. I tried to.
Bling Dragon Armor Because the original silver and red blood dragon armor wasn't fab enough, I made it gold with a glow-in-the-dark red sparkly dragon. Simple Texmod (.tpf) replacement mod..
America, Fuck Yeah! Armor The armor mod you never even realized you needed. It looks awesome if you're playing as a biotic. Requires ME3 Explorer to install. Download here!
Aria Alliance Armor This mod is a take on Aria's uniform. Comes in regular blue and sparkly blue versions, with and without the Alliance logo on the back. The mod.
Kabuki Armor Mod This mod is based on Tela Vasir's Spectre armor from Mass Effect 2 but can be used to mod Mass Effect 3. The download file comes with.