[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4621,4622,4623"] Special Hair Loose pigtails - intimidate the Reapers with your girliness. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4614,4615,4616,4617"] ButterflySims046 Hair A wavy short bob that looks straight up classy af. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4571,4572,4573,4574"] Guinevere Hair A long braid that goes past Shepard's butt. Now if only she could whip and nae nae with it. Ported from Apachii Sky Hair. Download the.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4567,4568"] ButterflySims046 Hair I know, the name needs work. A cute braided long hairstyle for Shep. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are.

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4551,4552,4553,4554,4555,4556,4557"] Sky Captain Outfit for MShep This is a port of General Oleg Petrovsky's outfit from Mass Effect 3's Omega DLC. I also tacked on a hat, because I.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4544,4545,4546,4547,4548"] Sky198 Hair An interesting braided hairstyle for Shepard. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow, go here!**.