Video Tutorial: How to Install Mass Effect Mods

Hey everyone! This has been a long time coming but I finally had a chance to sit down and record a video tutorial on how to install my mods. Hopefully this will help all of you with customizing your Sheppies. Please excuse my annoying voice in the videos – I had a cold when I recorded them :D
How to Install Mass Effect Mods (basic)
How to Manually Install Mass Effect Mods (advanced)
How to Create Mods for Mass Effect Using 3DSMax, Photoshop, and UDK (advanced)
Also, if you find text and pictures easier to follow than video, check out my written tutorial with screencaps here. Hope this has been helpful!
If you found these videos helpful or need any further help, please leave a comment and I’ll reply as soon as possible!
Any idea why I am stuck on an infinite loading screen?
Try to run ME3Explorer as administrator as it might not update toc file if you are not
I was wondering where I can get the .ppc file you mention in the tutorial? I can’t seem to find it anywhere
Love all of these! But I’m wondering about the hair color… How do I change that? Or are these styles basically just as is color wise? Anyway, great work and thank you!
You change your Shepard’s hair color with Gibbed to whatever you want :D
Awesome! One more question, how do you install the outfit mods? I keep finding the one for hair but I’m not sure if it’s the same method or not. I’d assume not? You’re awesome thank you so much! This is really bringing new life to the game lol. :P
Installing outfits is actually easier than hairs usually cuz you just have to copy/paste the .pcc file into the folder and run tocbinupdater in most cases – you don’t have to change your gibbed like with hairs :)
PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!! Texplorer keeps messing up my DLC they wont work anymore in game when its scanning files
You have the hottest voice. Hope I can understand all this and get it to work.
Hahaha omg I hate my voice! Thanks! :D
Unfortunately, I’m so new at modding games that the videos were a little fast for me. I couldn’t keep up trying to figure out what to do. I did managed to figure out how to download gibbed, I even may know how to get as far as clicking on the … in gibbed manual editor. Unfortunately, from there I get really confused. I’m not even sure how to use a rar file honestly (which is embarrassing on my part). When I downloaded the me3explorer in hopes that changing the program would make things easier I was lost about halfway through the video. Which made me sad because these hairs are beautiful and I want to use them :o.
Dear girlplaysgame.
I need some help with the Me3 Explorer. In your video you told us to click the “tools” button and then on “tocbinupdater”. unfortunely i dont have this option.
My Question now is: What version are you using?
Im using version of Me3Explorer.
The only thing i could choose is under “tools -> TOC Tools -> (Auto TOC) or (SFAR Toc updater)”.
Neither one can select the “PcConsoleToc” data.
Thank you in advance for your response.
Dean Müller
have the same problem
My files are .upk files not .pcc. my cookedPC folder does not say console. I downloaded it through steam. st there anyway to still use your mods?
hi… Nice Job…
I need know how can I install without override any hair?