How to Make an Attractive Male or Female V in Cyberpunk 2077 Character Creator

There is nothing better than a game where you can spend hours in the character creation screen, amirite? Cyberpunk 2077 just came out today and that is literally all I have been doing all day – I haven’t even started the game! Anyway, so with much experimentation, here are my settings to make an attractive, sexy, hot, whatever female and male V character. You can watch the videos or just scroll down for the setting numbers. Hope it’s helpful!
Female V Character Creator Settings
- Skin Type – 04
- Hair – 33
- Eyes – 06
- Brows – 05
- Nose – 05
- Mouth – 10
- Jaw – 10
- Ears – 04
Male V Character Creator Settings
- Skin Type – 01
- Hair – 02
- Eyes – 01
- Brows – 05
- Nose – 10
- Mouth – 04
- Jaw – 20
- Ears – 08
- Beard – 01
Hi, just a short message…
I think your website and instagram are very cool !
Kudos to you.
GG ^^
Thanks! I’ve been inactive a while but just inspired to start posting again :) Your comment really motivates me to do more!
If you’ve done a video on how to make a character, then I’ve played as them!
Glad to see you’re making more content, here’s hoping you’ll be around to design my next Mass Effect and Dragon Age 4 characters! ^^
That makes me SO HAPPY! I hope to do more if I have time!
Just finished the intro and i already resent the fact that my female V basically looks like an alien from x-files.
So this will be of tremendous help and totally worth a fresh start.
I hope you do more variations for Cyberpunk, maybe based on some a-list Hollywood stars, that would be fun.
Haha, it also doesn’t help that the V you create in the creation screen looks way better than the V in game no matter what you do :D
Muchas gracias te sigo desde dragón age inquisición también Andrómeda, gracias me as ahorrado días con creador pj.
You should try doing a Johnny Silverhand inspired character!
Omg I tried but the options are limited and I could only get a really low rent Johnny Silverhand hahaha. It was not cute :D
Wow, you surely have a strong sense of beauty, it took like an hour for me to make somewhat decent looking character, and then i saw him in the mirror and he was nothing like in the creation screen:) But yours are pretty much the same in the game, are these ultra graphics settings btw?
Hey, glad to see you’re back! I used to frequent this site back in 2016 when I was modding Skyrim and your guides helped me out a lot. This guide was very helpful. Unfortunately, having an attractive character is wasted when my performance sucks. Cyperpunk optimization is driving me insane
Yeah, same boat :( even after the update. Maybe it will get better when I finally have an Xbox Series X!
Took me an almost socially unacceptable amount of time to get her to look like this; done from scratch, no mods, no downloaded presets. I hope you like it :3
none of these links is working for me :( i’d love to see your character!