#70DaysofShepard – Day 53: Sky Captain Outfit for MShep

Sky Captain Outfit for MShep
This is a port of General Oleg Petrovsky’s outfit from Mass Effect 3’s Omega DLC. I also tacked on a hat, because I can. Oddly enough, the hat is a port from T71’s Sexy Male Bunny Suit for Skyrim, ha!
This mod is only available for manual install and should be used to replace a Casual Outfit, not an armor.
Also, if you don’t want the hat included, you can just use this simple texture mod to replace the Alliance Dress Blues with Dress Whites.
How to Manually Install Mass Effect Mods
If you use this mod, please consider donating to girlplaysgame.com – I will always provide mods to everyone for free but I could really use some help maintaining the site servers. Thanks for your support!