Injustice Gods Among Us: Infinite Coins/Money and Unlock All Characters Hack

This game, like ME3 Multiplayer, forces you to buy RNG packs to unlock items. Soooo much easier to do when you have infinite (well actually 999,999,999) coins/money to unlock all the cards, characters, and support!
Here are my easy instructions on how to hack the game using iFunbox:
iFunbox (download free here)
Pre-edited PlayerSave.bin file (download here)
1. Connect your iPad/iPhone to your laptop/computer.
2. Open iFunbox
3. In iFunbox, open the Injustice: Gods Among Us app folder
4. Navigate to the “Documents” folder
5. Delete your PlayerSave.bin file (you might want to save a copy of it first for backup)
6. Copy/paste the new PlayerSave.bin file you just downloaded into the same folder
7. Open your game and you will have over 900 billion credits/coins/money!
8. Spend like crazy and unlock everything.
just curious – but is it possible to look at the .bin file you have above to see how you edited it? whenever I try to open the .bin file (by default my Mac uses Archive Utility) – it creates a new file called “PlayerSave.bin.cpgz” – but when I try to open that file, it instead just creates a new “PlayerSave.bin” file…and so on in an infinite loop.
Download Winrar for Mac. If all else fails, use a com which has Windows. This should work.
wat the fuck u talking about
Is their a way to hack without using a computer or jail breaking
Because I don’t have a comp tht works reply anyone
Son of a bitch it is not bad it is good
However, if I delete it, won’t the progress be deleted? How do you prevent this?
You don’t prevent his happening. Sure it’s a nice little hack but the truth is you usurp your game file with another. Now that may not sound so bad but this ‘other’ file does not have Zod, Red Son Deathstroke, Batgirl or Raven (who you can still win at the moment) therefore you WILL LOSE these LIMITED EDITION characters.
Calculate the risk and make your own choice.
Can. Someone please reach me how to do number 6 please
Can someone too make a video on how to do this please and does it work on the iPod 5 ?
for me, this file had quite a few characters already unlocked and leveled up (between 3 and 21) and many of the battles already completed. is there a file that just has the money and nothing else?
Does it work for pc?
Thanks for the tip. Your instructions worked for us. We are happy with the results although we experience some of the comments that are mentioned above, we don’t mind. Cheers.
how to download this
is this hack concludes hack for the recharge hack
Yea there is 9999999999999 recharges
put iron man 3 pls
i cant get the player save cause it cant securely connect
Thank you for this
plzzz tell me how to do it
It’s not downloading for me.
its imposibble thank you.thank you.thank you.but some things are deleted
Does this include challenge character if yes which?
Will it like become Jailbreaked or something like that?
Haha no you can only jailbreak on purpose :)
no need for Jailbreak..just use an app like ifunbox ( you can get this link through youtube)…once you get ifunbox go to the app and delete the said file. At first in my situation i right clicked the original saved file and few seconds later it still didn’t dissapear..the trick is to right click copy the original saved file to the desktop…than delete it..this should make the file dissapear from the app root directory. Lastly take the downloaded file from this site and do a drag and drop…unplug your phone restart it…once ur iphone boots up again go directly to INJUSTICE and volla!!! 99999999999…FREAKING CASH…
where can you find the the new PlayerSave.bin file ? plz i want that money !
Does this work for Samsungs
i have all the charcters know
is there a way to get the limited characters? Just got the game and really want the limited characters!!! but thank you for the all the coins, the trick did work for me!!!!
can someone upload a latest save with Batman Arkham Origin character plxx
Really appreciate your post. It works like a charm
OMG! Thant you SOOOO much for this! You’re the best!
Do you download ifunbox on the computer and on tour iPhone??
Where can i download ifunbox can anyone give me a link please i clicked the click here download ifunbox box above and it sends me to ifile express is that the same thing i have a iPhone 5s
If you have a mac, follow this link:
Download the .dmg file that says, “v1.3 10/25/2013 Support iPhone 5s & iOS 7”
If you have windows, follow that same link and download the .zip/.exe file that says,
“v2.7 10/12/2013 Support iPhone 5s & iOS 7”
My iPad is not getting detected by ifunbox. Please help….
aawsome love it
not that exciting anymore after getting 9999999999999999999 credits.. :(
Dude! You are a freakin genius!
Does the bin file work for injustice on android? If not where can I get the hack for android?
I lost the limited characters!! How can get back?
sadly all the LIMITED characters i’ve collected from past challenges also gone. how can get it back or is there any way i can get the 900billion without loosing them? thanks
Update the app. Now, you can buy characters that were in those challenges. Its under the booster card section called Challenge Booster.
It is not detecting my device :(
Fixed it! If it does not detect your device, try and downoad itunes. Worked for me! Thanks a bunch for the hack btw :D
It doesnt work!!!!!!
does this work with the new update because i lost all my characters after the new update and I’m trying to get some extra coins to get them back
The hack doesn’t work for me if anyone knows how to do it right now can you please reply to me it would be very appreciated :)
Because of the newest update i do not think it works anymore if it does tell me how someone did it cause i am doing what it says at the top.
eu fiquei com 0 de creditos , que merda !
how do you decrypt the playersave.bin ?
OMG!!! All the credits I need$$$$
Thanks mate. Hail to the Hackers
Can I edit how many coins I put in
hi guys, when i copy the player save.bin into the folder of injustice in ifunbox, it says something like an error occured, thats the only last step i need to work on, luckily ive saved on icloud, otherwise my whole game was deleted. Can anyone tell me how to copy the playersave.bin given on this post into my folder? i appreciate, thank you. reply soon.
dude i just fuckin love u….. u r insanely awsum
*blushing* :D
Does anyone have the past limited additions character files?
all the steps work for me except when i start injustice on my ipad it opens but with no coins :/ so i basically loose everything and dont even get the 900 billion coins :( someone please help !!
you are
So Uh does this work with the current version of Injustice IOS? if not, could you create a new one? Thanks and more power to this site!
Great Work Buddy works like charm !!
this bans you from online battles though =(
Love the hack but now it keeps force closing on me when i try too play it. any ideas on how to fix this?
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