
Hey ladies and gents,
Two pieces of good news and one piece of bad news!
Good news #1: As of now, you will now be able to visit this blog by going to! I finally realized that I’m getting enough regular traffic on this blog that it deserves a real domain name :)
Good news #2: I’m going to start posting more often, ideally once a day. I love video games, particularly Mass Effect (don’t know if you caught that yet), and more importantly, I love the comments and interactions I’ve had with the people who read this blog. Most bloggers get their fair share of trolls but I have been lucky in that you guys have been awesome, engaged, and thoughtful. And to my comrades-in-arms on Xbox LIVE, it’s been amazing getting to know you IRL (kinda) and killing Reapers with you. Anyway, just had to say it, because this blog started off as just another girl’s nerdy, esoteric hobby, but now it’s become sort of an entity in itself thanks to you guys.
Bad news: You’ll start seeing one or two ads on the side bar of this blog, which I apologize in advance for, but I do need to buy things like food and stuff now that I’m going to be blogging more and “working” less :) I hope you understand and I promise the extra content will be worth it!
That’s it for now – I’ll keep you guys posted!
I think this is great. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now and I always thought you should be doing this for a living. I love that you’re a female gamer who’s not a “girl gamer” if you know what I mean – it’s pretty rare and all together refreshing. Good luck!
Oops, I mean “gamer girl” … dyslexia kicking in … or lack of sleep …
Turning off adblock just for your new domain. :) Good content should be rewarded!
We’re glad to have such nice blogger here, m’am.
Hey, I’d love to play with you sometime, especially seeing as the quality of PUG gamers seems to have fallen off a cliff. I’m BonitaApplebum5, hope to see you on.