Farming Games for the Impatient Player

Farming games are designed to give you a sense of satisfaction for each goal completed, but the problem is that it usually takes a long time to complete objectives or you have to pay real world money.
Here’s a list of the most fun, well-designed mobile farming games that can be farmed quickly (some through Time Hacks, ie. cheats and glitches)!
1. Dragonvale
I have this on the list because you can build your island very quickly as compared to other farming games and every dragon can be bred rather than bought. There are at least a hundred different types to breed and the game itself is very customizable. There is not a Time Hack for this game as far as I know, unfortunately.
2. Sims Freeplay
The Sims series is a perennial favorite for people who like farming games. There are infinite customizing and decorating possibilities and generating Life Points by completing objectives is relatively easy and fast, especially if you do the Time Hack. You can Time Hack the game on any iPhone or iPad by following these steps:
Turn off you wi-fi and/or 3G/4G so that you can’t connect to the internet.
Fast forward the time on your iPod/iPhone clock by however many hours you want.
Launch the Sims Freeplay app.
You will get the error message that you can’t connect to the internet. This means that you have completely disconnected from the server.
Go back to your iPhone/iPad settings and turn on the wi-fi and/or 3G/4G.
Go back to the Sims Freeplay app – voila! Time has fastforwarded.
Be sure not to forward the time too much or your Sims stats will all turn red and they will pee themselves (seriously). This isn’t a problem, it’s just a hassle getting everyone back to full happiness, especially if you have multiple Sims. If your Sims are doing something (ie. gardening, baking), they will not lose any of their happiness, so it’s best if you have everyone doing something for the same amount of time (or greater) that you are going to fast forward.
3. The Tribez
This game is massive and involved. It doesn’t take long to build your initial town but the objectives can be repetitive and difficult to achieve. Generating income and experience is fast if you do the Time Hack. All you have to do is turn time forward on your iPhone/iPad settings and you’re done!
4. Stardom: The A-List
This game can be fun but it can also get repetitive. Its most redeeming quality is the tongue-in-cheek way it makes fun of the whole celebrity world and the dialogue can be pretty snarky and funny. However, it would literally take a year for you to reach the A-List without the Time Hack. All you have to do is turn time forward on your iPhone/iPad settings and you’re done!