hair mod
Dream Glory Hair Add some old Hollywood style glamour to your reaper fighting Shepard. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier.
Black Bullet Hair A curly punky hairstyle for your alternative Shep. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to.

Liberty Hair For the land of the free and the home of the brave ... Shepard, fuck yeah. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If.
Slumber Hair Shep just rolled out of bed and kicked some reaper ass, NBD. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier.
Da Bomb Hair "Is your father a terrorist? 'Cuz you're da bomb." - Sheppie's favorite pickup line. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos.
Tonight Hair Casual side pony for casual Sheppie. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow, go here!**.