[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4870,4871,4872,4873,4874,4875"] Toyger Hair Hair like Sergeant Calhoun from Wreck it Ralph. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow,.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4812,4813,4814"] Daisy Hair Betty Boop Shepard. I kind of really love this old school hairstyle, even though it has some transparency issues. Wish I could do my hair like.

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4852,4853"] Nicholas Hair This hair reminds me of Pierce Brosnan. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow, go.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4847,4848,4849"] Vivacity Hair It's glam o'clock for Sheppie. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow, go here!** Installation.

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4840,4841,4842,4843,4844"] Veteran Hair Ok, in real life, I have so much hate for the man bun trend. In video game life, I'm ok with it, ha! Ported from KS Hairdos.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4834,4835,4836,4837"] Nouk Hair More POC hair for Shepard. Ported from Apachii Sky Hair. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow, go here!** Installation.