[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4864,4865,4866,4867"] Fallout Hair Sheppie is such a hipster nerd. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you to follow, go here!**.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4799,4800,4801,4802,4803"] Angelic Hair A really cute hairstyle, though it has transparency issues in some lighting. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4787,4788,4789,4790,4791,4792,4793,4794"] Berserk Armor for MShep I wasn't going to release this mod because it's a little buggy (the fingers are a little messed up because of the bone placement.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4784,4783,4782"] Sky188 Hair Can't stop, won't stop with all these braided hairs. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials are easier for you.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4770,4771,4772,4773"] Sidebraids Hair Aw, so cute. I used to wear my hair like this in 2nd grade. Ported from Apachii Sky Hair. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials.
[gallery type="rectangular" ids="4763,4764,4765"] Uproar Hair Aw, so cute. I used to wear my hair like this in 2nd grade. Ported from KS Hairdos Renewal. Download the mod here! Instructions: **If videos tutorials.